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“At your club?” My response was met with a quietening kiss.

“Let's go,” Joe announced before I could press him on the matter.

Ah, so he had shushed me with his lips and his mouth. What was I supposed to take from that? Wait, what type of messed up shit went down at the club? Surely he hadn't got the chair from the club? Oh, gosh, my mind was whirling with questions as I got out of the car and followed him to the boot. My boots slid on the muddy leaves and I had to right myself.

I hadn’t immediately baulked at the idea of getting dirty, but I had wished he'd warned me before we'd set off so I could've changed out of my skirt. Luckily, I had thick leggings underneath, so they'd keep me warm.

“Will these do?” Joseph asked, pulling out a brand-new pair of expensive looking Wellington boots.

They were black with such a shine on them, I felt guilty at the idea of walking through the mud. Not wanting to make a fuss, I nodded in reply to his question and took them from him, balancing against the car as I changed into them.

“You could've warned me we were doing this,” I said, looking around when I was ready.

The orange leaves that barely hung onto their branches were stunning against the bright blue afternoon sky. The trees stood tall, all around us, shielding us from the busy city not too far away. I breathed in deep, enjoying the cool air as it entered my lungs. Clean. So much cleaner than London air.

“Sorry,” he said, shutting the boot of the car and zipping up his jacket. “I didn't want you to refuse.”

I watched his muscles flex as he bent down to tuck his jeans into his own boots. His arse was gorgeously enhanced by the denim material that hugged him in all the right places. He looked delicious in his tight black tee and red and black chequered jacket. A proper country gentleman.

“I wouldn't have...”

My sentence trailed off as the lie echoed around us. He raised his eyebrows as he took my hand and led me into the woods. I smiled up at him, tracing his dark and grey stubbled jaw as the tall trees engulfed us, cutting us off from the car park. The birds sang high in the branches, and yet, there was a silence I wasn't used to. It calmed me as I breathed deep and looked around, admiring the prettiness of the changing season.

“Do you know who I look up to the most?” Joe said, staring ahead.

His intensity made me lick my lips. He hadn't opened up to me, and I'd been scared to ask much, so I had to let him speak. “No,” I murmured, “I have no idea.”

“My mother.”

Uh huh. Well, that wasn't what I’d been expecting from the hulking man who had a kink for bondage and younger women. Maybe naively, I'd thought he'd reply with an architect or artist.

“I know,” he said, watching a bird as it took flight from the branch above our head, “it seems cliché, but I just wanted to protect her, you know?”

“From your father?” I asked, tucking my free hand into my jacket pocket.

He inclined his head and went to open his mouth, pausing when a bird squawked and took flight, making us both jump.

I waited for him to go on, but he went silent, distracting himself by watching the crackling leaves beneath our feet. There was no point in trying to get him to talk, he wasn’t the type to allow someone else to dictate the pace of a conversation.

“So,” I muttered, smiling up at him when he led me through a gap in the trees, “it's a pretty cold date.”

Narrowing his gaze on me, he carried on walking. “Don't worry,” he replied, “I'll warm you up soon.”

My mouth gapped open as I sped up behind him, trying to catch up to his long strides. Was he expecting me to get naked in the woods? A spark of desire made my pussy pulse and I grinned, suddenly up for anything he suggested in the wild.

As the trees narrowed, a small pathway appeared. My curiosity piqued as we went through a gap between the trunks and came to a stop. There, hidden away, was a small white bell tent with a fire pit in front of it. The logs were piled up, ready to be lit.

“This is... my surprise?” I glanced behind us, checking that there wasn't someone waiting in the wings.

Nope, apparently, it was just us, in the middle of the woods. I couldn't tell whether I was more shocked at the fact that we were in the middle of nowhere or that he expected us to sleep in the creepy place overnight.

As Joe got busy igniting the fire using a lighter and some kindling, I unzipped the tent and glanced inside. Plush blankets adorned a mattress of some sort, piled up enough to cover ten people. He obviously wanted to keep us warm, but I wasn't sold on the idea.

“Have you ever camped before?” he asked, smiling when the small flames started to lick the bottom of the logs.

Clearing my throat, I shook my head. “I can't say I have. Coming from the city, it's never appealed.”

“Do you prefer luxury?” he cocked his head as he looked up at me from his crouch.

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