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Sucking in a breath and my stomach, I smiled at the porter who kindly opened the door and allowed us entry to the poshest looking lobby I'd ever seen. The marble floors, stairs, and pillars, were a stunning cream with black crack lines through them. The marble semi-circle desk was small with only two people standing behind it. They didn't even look up as Joe guided me to the left and towards a set of double doors. On them was a plaque with the name of a restaurant. Wait, I’d heard of the prestigious place. Hadn’t it fed multiple famous people through the years?

“Mr Hunter,” the maître de greeted Joseph as we entered. “Good to see you, sir.”

“Likewise.” Tipping his head, the maître de indicated that we should follow him.

How did the man know Joseph? I was getting more and more confused about his status. He'd just been a normal guy with a few designing jobs in posh houses. If he'd had a fortune, surely he would've had a bigger, and better quality, office?

We were led to a private corner booth where the table was laid with a white cotton tablecloth and gold cutlery. The candle and flower centrepiece was red and cream to match the theme of the restaurant.

“I've never been somewhere so posh before,” I muttered, thanking Joe as he helped me into my seat.

As soon as my legs were tucked under the table, I picked up my rolled napkin and started to fiddle with it. Joseph sat opposite me, a smile coming to his lips when he noticed what I was doing.

“It's okay,” he said, taking the menu from the waiter, “I'll lead the way.”

Licking my lips, I tried not to smile, but the cynic in me wanted to laugh.

“What?” he said, clearly detecting my amusement.

Shrugging, I sipped from the glass of water that the waiter had kindly poured. “It’s just strange having someone take control, that’s all. I’ve had to do everything by myself for so long.”

His eyes flared and he shuffled in his seat. “Let’s just say I enjoy taking care of people…” His sentence trailed off when the waiter came to take our order. I hadn't got the impression that Joseph was someone who took care of people. He had seemed like a man who just got on with his job. I obviously had no idea who Joseph Hunter was or what made him tick.

I watched him as he glanced up at the waiter to tell him our order. He was decisive in his choices, not giving me the chance to even read the menu, let alone tell him what I wanted. It was a nice change to have someone else want to take care of me.

“How do you know I'm not allergic to anything?” I asked once the waiter had left.

“Because I have a file on you.”

I opened my mouth to reply but another waiter brought over a bottle of wine and poured it for us. When he was gone, Joe cleared his throat and sat forward. I frowned, slightly puzzled by his response.

“This,” he said, swirling the liquid in the glass, “is one of the finest wines a man can buy. I don't like it.”

“You don't?” Distracted, I picked up the glass and sipped the bubbling liquid.

My taste buds squirmed and my neck muscles pulled in an attempt to calm the sour attack.

“See?” He chuckled. “It's pricey because it's made by some prince somewhere.”

Putting the glass down, I took a sip of water and glanced around, admiring the attire of the men and women who were clinking glasses or laughing together. There were no friend groups, just couples. This was an exclusive place.

“Why do you order it, then?” I asked, turning my attention back to my boss.

Staring at the bottle, he blinked a few times before lifting his gaze to me. “It's a status thing.”

“I don't know you,” I said, smiling when his lip quirked into his cheek, “but I get the impression that you're trapped being someone you're not. This...” Waving around, I frowned, “...doesn't reflect a man's worth. You don't need to impress me with such frivolities. I grew up with nothing and that's why I like your simple way of working.”

“You do?” He was frowning slightly, a troubled expression playing across his handsome features.

“Joe,” I said, crossing my arms on the table. “Have you blown your whole life savings on this evening? Do you do that with all the women you date?”

His forehead creased. “What makes you think that I date a lot of women?”

Laughing, I sat back in my chair. “They know you here. Either you take out a loan every time you come here, or you've not told me the whole truth about your... wealth.” I squeezed the word out, feeling dirty for even mentioning it.

“Well...” He sat back and linked his fingers together. “...I didn't expect the evening to be so...”

I waited with bated breath, regretting how forward I'd been to the man who had treated me with nothing but respect. At the same time, I held my shoulders high. Too many people had taken advantage of me before, and although I had no idea what game Joseph was playing, I wouldn't take it lying down. No wait, I would lie down for him, that much I'd already decided. I just had to be on the same page as him.

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