Page 5 of Ringo's Silence

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Getting to where the twins' bikes are, I pull up putting the SUV in park and wait for them to get out. They thank me but I don’t say anything back. I swear the two of them are complete dumbasses sometimes.

I follow them back through town but instead of continuing on, I turn into the Bella’s Brew parking lot next to the car.

One look tells me that not only is the kid asleep inside but so is his mother.

Getting out, I walk around to the driver side window and lightly knock, trying to wake her but not the kid. I don’t want to scare them but she jumps anyway when her eyes open and she sees me standing there.

“You alright?” I ask but step back as she opens her door, getting out and softly closing it again.

“I’m sorry.” She says.

“You two alright?” I ask again.

“My car wouldn’t start.” She looks over her shoulder at it.

“Is someone on their way?” I ask slowly as my mind begins to race like it does when the stuttering starts.

“No. I don’t know anyone here. We’re new to White Summer.” She begins to wring her hands together.

“I can...give you...a ride.” I point at the SUV.

“Um, I’m sorry. We don’t really have anywhere else go.” Tears well up in her eyes.

Looking away from her, I look back into the car and realize there are bags of clothes in the back seat as well as blankets. They’ve been living out of this car for who knows how long.

“I have somewhere you can stay.” I say without fully making a decision. “No strings.” I hold my hands up when her eyes look a little suspicious.

She looks around for several long moments like she’s thinking it over.

“You...can’t...stay here.’s place.”

“Where is it at?” She finally asks.

I breathe slowly, calming my mind so that I don’t make a fool of myself.

“Club owns...several cabins not too far...away.”

“What does it cost?” She stares down at her shoes.


“How can a place cost nothing?” She raises a brow.

“One of them...belongs to me. I the club...most nights.”

She looks at me for a long moment before looking back at her son asleep in the front seat. I honestly wonder how the hell he’s sleeping all scrunched up like that in the front seat. Even for the kids’ age, he’s pretty tall. He’ll most likely hit at least six feet by the time he’s sixteen.

“No strings?” She asks, grabbing my attention again.

“No strings.” I shake my head.

“Okay. Let me grab a few things before we wake up, Remmy.”

She opens her rear door, grabbing their bags and I help her put them into my SUV. She grabs a few more things from the front seat before she walks around to her son's side of the car, opening the door.

“Remmy?” She gently shakes him. “Come on baby. We’re going to a cabin for the night.”

She gets him out of the car, helping his sleepy frame to the SUV and I open the door for him. She settles him inside and I swear he’s back to sleep before we even shut the door.

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