Page 40 of Ringo's Silence

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“Your men aren’t coming,” Torque says, stepping into view with his gun trained on the Hugo. “We’ve already taken care of them.” He smiles wickedly as Hugo’s eyes widen at the realization.

He hesitates, his eyes darting around the room as if searching for at least one of his men. But there was none. He was surrounded, outnumbered, and outmatched even if he didn’t know it.

He falters, and I see the fear flicker in his eyes. But instead of surrendering, he pulls Remmy closer, his gun pressing against the boy’s temple. “I’ll kill him,” he snarled. “I swear I will.”

Remmy squeezes his eyes shut, crying silently.

My heart stops. Every muscle in my body tensing, but I force myself to stay calm, to think things through. “You don’t want to do that,” I say, my voice steady. “You hurt him, and there’s no going back. Besides, he’s your son!”

Remmy’s eyes pop back open at my statement, his wide eyes colliding with my own. It only just occuring to me that it’s possible he had no idea before this moment how fucked up his own father truly was.

For a moment, it looked like Hugo might listen to what I’m saying, like he might let the kid go. But then, in a sudden, desperate move, he shoves Remmy away and raises his gun, aiming it right at me.

My gun is in my hand in an instant, and I fire before he does.

Hugo staggers back, his gun clattering to the floor in front of him as he falls as well. The shot hitting him in the shoulder, not fatal but enough to drop him.

Torque is on him in seconds, kicking the gun away and restraining him. Snake rushes to Remmy, who had fallen to the ground, sobbing from fear. I hurry over, dropping to my knees beside the boy, my eyes racking over him to check for any injuries.

“Remmy,” I whisper, pulling him into my arms. “It’s okay, buddy. You’re safe now. You’re safe.”

He clings to me, his small body trembling against mine. I hold him close, feeling a wave of relief so intense it nearly knocks the breath right out of me.

I look up at Torque, who was securing Hugo, and then over at Snake, who was already calling the others in to let them know the situation was now under control.

It was over. Remmy was safe, and Kimmie’s ex was finally disarmed and out of the picture.

“Nice work guys. Is your kid alright Ringo?” Prez asks and I do notice him calling the kid mine.

A sense of pride washes over me. I’d be more than fucking proud to have Remington as my son.

“He’s not hurt. Can we get someone to take him back to the cabin? I’m sure Kimmie is worrying herself into a panic.”

“NO! I want to stay with you!” Remmy cries out before the Prez can answer, hiding his face in my chest.

“Remmy, look at me son.” I demand, pulling back from him so that I can see his eyes. “Your mom needs to see you, okay? She’s worried about you.”

“But she’ll make me leave! That’s why I ran away. I didn’t want to leave. Then these men grabbed me in the woods!”

Realization finally dawns on me and I sigh heavily.

“You’re not leaving okay?” I finally say.

“You promise?” His eyes, still full of tears, look at me with hope.

“Yeah, son, I promise.” He grabs me in a tight hug and I embrace him back.

A few minutes later, I send him on his way with one of the guys back to the cabin. Once they are out of sight, I turn back to the asshole still on the floor.

“What do you want to do, Ringo?” The Prez asks.

I look around the room until I spot what I’m looking for on the other side of the room. Looking back at Hugo, a slow menacing grin spreads over my face as I answer my Prez.

“Can someone please bring me that pipe?” I point in the direction I mean and I hear someone walk over there, then coming back, handing me the pipe in question.

Taking it in my hand, I look it over thoroughly, ensuring myself it’s small enough to fit but large enough he’ll know it’s there.

“What the fuck you going to do with that?” Hugo snarls.

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