Page 16 of Ringo's Silence

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I groan into the pillow under my face as I hear my son calling for me down the hall. He usually sleeps later than I do but we are in a new place that he most likely doesn’t remember much of from last night.

“Hey, Mom, are you awake yet?” His voice is closer and I know he’s now come into the bedroom where I’m at.

“Yeah, what is it?” I ask, raising my head and opening my eyes to look at him.

“I was just checking. Can I go explore?” He asks, plopping down on the side of the bed.

“How long have you been up?” I ask, raising up to a sitting position.

“Couple hours.” He shrugs.

“Couple hours?” I look over at the clock on the wall that says it’s nearly noon. “Why didn’t you wake me sooner? It’s almost lunch time!”

“The big guy from last night told me to let you sleep in.”

“You mean Ringo? He’s here?” I ask as I move to get up from the bed to look through my bag for something to wear.

“He was here. He brought breakfast but left again. Yours is on the counter. He said I couldn’t explore outside until you got up. Can I go now?”

Finding some clothes in my bag, I hold them to my chest as I debate with myself what to say here. We really don’t know the area but I don’t want him feeling like I keep him too close.

“Sure but stay within sight of the cabin please.” I answer and he’s smiling before I even finish.

“Thanks Mom!” He jumps up and runs for the door.

Going into the bathroom, I wash my face and change clothes before brushing through my hair. Brushing my teeth quickly, I head into the kitchen to see what Ringo brought for breakfast. I really can’t believe how nice the man is.

Finding the container on the counter, I recognize the packaging from Bella’s Brew. Opening it up, I find eggs, sausage, biscuit and a container of gravy.

Walking over to the refrigerator, I open it to find there are several types of drinks sitting on the top shelf. Grabbing one, I sit at the counter and eat my fill of the food in front of me.

As soon as I am done and putting everything in the garbage, Remington walks back through the door with a huge grin on his face.

“I saw a skunk!” He exclaims.

“Oh, Lord, please don’t mess with the wild life. I have no idea how to even remotely get skunk spray off a thirteen year old boy!” I smile at him.

“I didn’t get that close! I could smell him before I even saw him in the bushes. Was cool!” He says, taking the chair next to me.

“I’m glad you're enjoying yourself.”

“It’s a lot better than being in the car.” He says brightly although his words make my heart hurt for us both.

“I’m sorry kiddo. I’ve done the best that I can.”

“I know you have. It’s okay, Mom. None of this is your fault.” He smiles at me and I lean over, kissing him on the head.

My sweet boy at only thirteen years old already knows way more about life than any child ever should. While I have given him the PG version of everything when he’s asked, I’ve made sure to be honest about it all.

I feel like people don’t give children enough credit when it comes to being able to understand adult type things. Honesty is the best thing a child could ever have from a parent.

It’s something that I never had for myself. From anyone.


“How’s it looking under there?” Timber, my Prez asks just as I’m rolling myself back from under the car.

“Like fucking shit.” I snarl. “It needs a new alternator, the radiator has a rusted out hole in it and the head gasket is leaking so bad that I’m fairly sure it’s completely gone.”

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