Page 15 of Ringo's Silence

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Shaking my head, I look down at the folder then decide that I’ll take some breakfast over to Kimmie.

Maybe I can try to get her to tell me more about herself. Something to help fill in the blanks.

The thought that she may have been trafficked by her own father makes my stomach turn into knots. I want to break something.

Preferably her fathers face no matter if it's true or not. The Feds already know what he’s been doing. No telling how many children’s lives he’s ruined by selling them to pedophiles.

Getting on my bike outside, I stuff the folder down in my saddle bags and head into town towards Bella’s place.

Parking out front, I walk into the morning crowd and the smell of bacon frying in the kitchen.

“Hey you! What can I get for you this morning?” Bella asks with surprise on her face. She knows that I only ever come in here late at night when the crowds are all gone.

“Thought I would...take Kimmie and the...kid...”My eyes begin to look around the room at all the people and my heart speeds up.

“Some breakfast for them sounds like a great idea, Big Guy. You want to come into the back with me while I fix it?”

Grateful that Bella knows my struggle, I shake my head and give her a tight smile. She leads me through the door to the kitchen.

My heart finally starts to slow, it's pounding in my chest and I feel like I can breathe normal again.

“Are you going to look at her car today?” Bella asks, filling up three Styrofoam plates.

“After.” I nod at the plates indicating I mean after they get their food.

“Do you think it can be fixed? I noticed last night how old the thing is. I’m surprised it’s gotten her this far.”

“It looked like a piece of shit.” I nod in agreement.

“Let me know if it’s lived it’s last. I’ve still got my old one sitting in the garage that Blade won’t let me drive any more. It would be a good gas saver for her. Certainly more predictable to start when she turns the key.”

“She won’t take charity.” I say softly, remembering her reaction to the invite to stay in my cabin.

The woman will probably think it was for only last night. I’ll not allow her and that kid to stay in that fucking car another night. Not while she’s in White Summer anyway.

“Yeah, I have a feeling I’d have to convince her she is paying for it in some way.” She shakes her head, closing up the containers and putting them in a bag for me. “Here you go.”

“Thank you.” I say, taking the bag.

Turning I look at the door we came through a minute ago and wonder if I can make it all the way back outside without almost having a panic attack. I definitely will have one if anyone actually tries to speak to me.

“You can go through the back door if you want to Ringo.” Bella grabs my attention again.

“No. I need to do...normal.” I say, looking back at the door.

“You are normal Ringo. You need to remember that.” She lays her hand on my arm gently.

Looking back at her I give her a grin.

“Thanks.” I whisper.

“Are you flirting with my wife Ringo?” Blade’s voice has both our heads turning to look at the door.

“Nope.” I announce and walk straight past him. Leaving their laughter behind me.

I don’t stop until I’m back on my bike. Putting the breakfast plates into my saddle bag, making sure they won’t turn over, I climb on and take off back down the road.


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