Page 13 of Ringo's Silence

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I collapse over her back but make sure my arms take most of my weight so that I don’t smother the woman under me.

“Damn, Ringo. You’ve been holding back.” Her voice reminds me who I’m here with.

Reaching down, I grab my cock and the condom at the same time, pulling out of her.

As soon as my cock is free, I take off the condom and take it over to the toilet. I pour the contents out, flushing it immediately, and throw the condom in my trash.

I know it’s a lot of precaution but you can never be too careful that someone might try to entrap you by purposely getting pregnant with your kid.

I don’t want to be attached to a woman for the rest of my life that would make me miserable just because we had a child together.

No one would win in that kind of situation, especially the kid. Anyone who thinks it’s better for the child if the parents stay together even if they hate each other are blind to the world around them.

When I walk back into the bedroom, Tina is fully dressed. She looks over at me with a small smile.

“Thanks for the good time, Big Guy.” She says, walking out of the room.

Tina’s been with the club only a short time. She was a street walker for a couple of years down in New Orleans until she was taken by a trafficking ring that the Nighthowler’s MC as well as a few of our guys saved her from.

While all of the girls were offered a new way of life, a new fresh start, Tina didn’t want it. She asked our Prez if she could come out here with us instead.

She of course had to go through Mina, our Prez’s wife first. After a long conversation between the two of them, Tina came out here.

No one even remotely tried to have sex with her in the beginning. We all knew what she had been through and would never do anything that would hurt a woman. Then one night she got fed up with all the single men avoiding her.

She stripped down completely naked in the front room, climbed up on a table and said if she didn’t get some fucking cock soon, her slit was going to get cobwebs.

The woman loves sex and while she did go through something horrendous, to her it was no different than what she was already doing. Giving pussy to any man that wanted it from her.

Cutting off all my lights, I crawl between my sheets completely naked. Clothes make me feel restrained while sleeping so I prefer to be in my birthday suit.

I’ve got a lot to do tomorrow. I need to look at Kimmie’s car first thing though. With that in mind, I fall asleep almost as soon as I close my eyes.

Chapter 4


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