Page 49 of Echo of Revenge

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He must have seen something in my eyes, because he cupped my face in his hands and brought my gaze to meet his. I could see the heaviness lying in those dark pools of blue. It was an emotion that I had never once seen cross his features.


It was heavy, and it filled every inch of his ocean.


“Don’t….” The edge to my voice had nothing to do with him and everything to do with his father. The man was dead, and I would make sure that I was the one who delivered the fatal blow.

“I know you’re angry. You have every right to be. What my father did… is doing, is not only fucked up, but it will cost him his life.”

“Yes, it will cost him his life.” The venom in my heart pooled out of my arteries and into my system, filling every single space with its bitterness. “I will have his head on a platter, Andres. The only question that remains now is… Will you get in my way, or will you let justice be delivered?”

His expression was blank. Not a single indication of what he was going through y his mind. His hands remained firm on my face, his thumbs stroking the soft skin of my cheeks.

“Let me handle him.”

“No.” My answer was instant. I ripped his hands from my face and stepped out of his reach. “I will kill Felipe myself. He will die by the blade of my father. I have waited nine years for this.”

“Think rationally, Savina. Do you not think that finding out about this is my father’s plan? He has hidden this secret and his involvement for years. Do you not think that his stupid henchman telling us it was him instead of Vladimir was all part of the plan? He wanted us to know. My father never does anything without intention. This marriage was intentional. The partnerships he did with your father were intentional. He looks at life like a chess board, and he calculates every move accordingly. You going after him right now is exactly what he wants.”

What he was saying was logical, but I was far past logic at that point. I could only understand the language of vengeance and blood.

“I don’t care.” I jutted my chin up in defiance. ”I have waited almost a decade to have my revenge. I will not leave it to the hands of the killer's son.”

I spat the word son like it was a curse. Andres flinched back at my outburst, and I felt a little bad—only a little.

“Savina, take emotion out of this and look at this from a point of—”

“Take the emotion out of it? Your father killed my family out of greed! How can I take emotion out of any of this? Do you think I wanted the killer to be your father? Do you think I’m enjoying this?” Why was my heart beating so damn fast? “I want his head on a fucking platter, and I want to feed him his balls. The man killed my family!”

He reached for me, but I pushed against his chest hard. He came at me again, and this time he managed to cage me into his arms and pull me right up against his hard chest. I tried to fight him, I tried to break free, but his hold on me was too strong.

“Let me go! Let me go!” Tears blurred my vision suddenly. “Andres! Let me go!”

But he never listened to me. He just held me tightly against his chest. It was as if he was trying to hold me tight enough so that I didn’t break apart. So that I didn’t shatter into a million uneven pieces on the floor.

I could not remember the last time I had ever shed a tear. The person I was six months ago would have been appalled at my behavior. But as the wetness trailed down my face, all I could feel was the devastation.

“It’s okay, mi amor.” He kissed the top of my head, pulling me in even tighter. “I’m here. I’m here.”

I clung to his shirt for dear life. For the first time in almost a decade, I allowed myself to feel pain and embraced its cold and calloused touch. I never cried for my father and brother at their funeral. I simply held all the despair within me and channeled it into doing my job.

But after the pain had passed, I knew what awaited me, and I was going to make sure that I used every ounce of that hatred to kill my father-in-law and finally avenge my family.

Even if it killed me.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Andres’ POV

Her cries had died down, and I just held onto her tightly in silence. I didn’t want to rush her out of my arms. She could take as much time as she needed.

She pulled away just enough so she could look into my eyes. There was a hidden question in them that I wasn’t sure I was clearly deciphering.

She lifted onto her toes and pressed her lips to mine. I pulled her in toward me tighter, wanting to cherish the taste of her lips on mine. They were slightly salty from the tears she had shed only minutes ago.

She deepened the kiss, plunging her tongue into my mouth and tasting me. Our tongues danced with each other in that same dance we always did but, for some reason, there was something different here. Something… more.

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