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Dash studies me for a moment, and I can see the curiosity in his eyes. “Maybe. Or maybe it just hasn’t found you yet.”

I shrug, trying to keep things light. “Maybe. Or maybe I’m just not cut out for it.”

He doesn’t push, sensing my reluctance. Instead, he changes the subject. “So any hobbies outside of making people look fabulous?”

“Actually, I love reading,” I confess, grateful for the shift. “There’s something about getting lost in a good book that just…calms me.”

“A bookworm, huh? What’s your favorite genre?”

“Fantasy, definitely,” I say, a smile spreading across my face. “I love the escapism, the adventure…the magic.”

“Magic?” He leans back, his eyes twinkling. “I can see that. You seem like someone who believes in a little bit of magic.”

“Maybe,” I reply. “What about you? Any secret passions?”

“Music,” he says without hesitation. “I play the guitar. It’s my way of unwinding.”

“Really?” I say, intrigued. “You’ll have to play for me sometime.”

“Deal,” he says, his grin widening. “But only if you promise to read me one of your favorite books in return.”

“Deal,” I agree, feeling a strange sense of warmth spread through me. Maybe there’s more to Dash than what meets the eye, and maybe getting to know him won’t be as dangerous as I thought.

As I finish up his haircut, I can’t help but feel a little more connected to him. There’s a vulnerability in his eyes, a hint of something deeper that makes me want to peel back the layers and see the real Dash. For now, I’ll settle for tacos and churros and the promise of more banter in the future.

With a final flick of my wrist, I finish Dash’s haircut and whip off the cape with a flourish. Nerves tickle my belly, because I know he’s going to hate it. That was the whole point of giving him a mullet. “All done. Try not to let it go to your head, pretty boy. Even a mullet can’t dim your shine.”

He stands up and runs a hand through his freshly shorn locks, the shorter sides contrasting with the longer top that drifts to his nape in a sweeping motion. It should look ridiculous, but somehow, he makes it work.

Damn him and his effortless charm.

I really tried to give him the worst cut possible, and here he is, looking like a rock god. The only person I have to blame is myself for making him look delicious.

“I love it,” he declares, shooting me a wink in the mirror. “You’ve got magic fingers, Aria.”

I roll my eyes, but I can’t help the small thrill of pride that runs through me. “Flattery will get you nowhere,” I warn, but my lips twitch with a suppressed smile.

He turns to face me. “We’ll see about that. Now, about those tacos…”

My stomach chooses that moment to let out another embarrassingly loud growl. I clap a hand over it, as if that will muffle the sound.

He sweeps in and smacks a kiss on my cheek, surprising the hell out of me, which I guess was his goal all along.

“I’ll be right back, beautiful.” He sweeps out of the salon with a flourish.

I turn to Claudia, who is still flipping through her magazine, slowly shaking her head with amusement. “You are so fucked.”

Yeah, I’m starting to realize that too.



As I step out of the salon, a grin spreads across my face. The kiss I planted on Aria’s cheek still tingles on my lips, and the surprise in her expression plays in my mind like a cherished memory. The spring air feels invigorating against my skin, and I adjust my stride, feeling like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Aria’s presence has a way of cutting through the haze of my life, grounding me like never before.

Her use of scent suppressants adds to her mystique. I can tell because she has no scent. Even a beta has a scent, whether it’s natural or perfume. What does she smell like? Will she be a match? Deep down, I already know the answer—a resounding yes echoes in my mind. On a good day, my scent mirrors the purest form of the ocean, salty and invigorating. It’s a reflection of my untamed spirit and unwavering determination. It envelops me like an invisible shield, silently daring anyone to challenge me…or at least I think it does, and to be honest, I’m just going to manifest that shit.

As I walk briskly down the street, the sun warms my face, and my thoughts bounce between the immediate task of getting tacos and the larger, more complex puzzle that is Aria. She’s a whirlwind of contradictions—tough yet vulnerable, guarded yet intriguingly open—and she has secrets. Big ones. The kind that make me want to dig deeper, even if it means getting my hands dirty.

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