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Luckily for me, I have my trusty scent clips in my nose. These industrial-strength blockers cost me a small fortune on the black market, but they’re worth every penny. Even the keenest alpha nose can’t detect a whiff of omega when I use these bad boys. It’s almost scary how effective they are.

Dash slides into my chair with easy grace, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “So what’s on the menu today? A little off the top, or are we going for a full makeover?” he asks me, as though I know what to do with his mop of hair.

I snap the cape around his neck a little too forcefully. “Depends. Are you going to sit still, or do I need to break out the restraints?”

Why did I think that was the smart thing to say? Control yourself, Aria.

He chuckles, deep and rich. “Kinky. I like it.”

I roll my eyes but can’t help the smile tugging at my lips. Damn him and his effortless charm. “Just shut up and let me work my magic, pretty boy.”

I should shave his head. That will get rid of all of them, including Quinn, and I like Quinn. He knows my secret, so I should definitely get rid of them. But do I really want that? The thought of pushing Quinn away makes my chest ache in a way I’m not ready to examine. Still, I can’t resist the urge to mess with Dash a little. A mullet it is.

As I begin combing through his thick locks, my stomach lets out another angry growl. Dash arches an eyebrow at me in the mirror. “Hungry?”

“Always,” I mutter, focusing intently on sectioning his hair. “Premenstrual problems,” I mutter, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot. My skin feels too tight, and there’s a constant, low-level warmth thrumming through my body. “My appetite is insatiable, and don’t even get me started on the mood swings.” I take a deep breath, grateful for the scent blocking clips in my nose. Without them, I’d probably be drowning in Dash’s alpha pheromones right now.

“I might be able to help with that,” he says, his voice dipping into a suggestive purr.

If he says anything about his dick, I’m nipping his ear.

I pause mid-snip, narrowing my eyes at his reflection. “If the next words out of your mouth involve any part of your anatomy, I swear I will give you a haircut you’ll never forget.”

Dash holds up his hands in mock surrender, but that infuriating smirk never leaves his face. “Easy there, beautiful. I was just going to offer to take you out for a bite after this. My treat.”

I can’t tell if he’s being genuine, or if this is another one of his flirtatious games. With Dash, it’s always a toss-up, but the prospect of food is tempting, especially when my stomach feels like it’s eating itself.

“I’m booked until closing.” I pout, resuming my work on his hair. “No funny business. I’m not in the mood for your antics today.”

“Scout’s honor,” he promises, holding up three fingers in a salute.

I snort. “Like you were ever a boy scout.”

“You wound me, Aria. I’ll have you know I earned my knot tying badge with flying colors.”

This time, I do nip his ear…lightly, because I don’t want to really hurt him.

“What the hell?” He leans forward and turns around to look at me with a shocked expression.

My grip tightens on the shears as I brandish them like a weapon. The sharp blades glint in the light as I open and close them with a menacing click. “Behave,” I snarl through gritted teeth, my eyes wild with rage that I’m blaming on my preheat.

A smile stretches across his face, and he leans back. “I consider that foreplay.”

“You would.” I snort, going back to cutting a mullet into his beautiful hair. I only feel a little bad about it.

Take this as a lesson—bring pictures to your stylist.

“I’m serious, Aria.” He meets my gaze in the mirror. “Let me get you girls something to eat.”

I look over at Claudia, temptation on my lips.

“I want tacos,” she says lazily, flipping a page in her magazine.

I sigh, weighing my options. On one hand, free food is always a plus, especially when my stomach feels like it’s staging a revolt. On the other, spending more time with Dash could be dangerous. He has a way of getting under my skin, and I’m not sure I trust myself around him when I’m in this state.

The prospect of tacos, however, is just too tempting to resist. “Fine,” I relent, snipping off another lock of hair with a bit more force than necessary. “But I’m warning you, I can put away an obscene amount of food when I’m like this. You might regret making that offer.”

Dash grins, looking entirely too pleased with himself. “Challenge accepted. There’s this little taco place I used to go to with my foster sister before she moved away. Best tacos in town. I’d love to take you there.”

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