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Me: I heard what happened. I want to help. Where should I meet you?

It was almost too easy to manipulate my way into their crisis. Now, as I approach the house, I can practically taste their desperation.

I lean against the rough bark of a tree outside the Clarke pack’s house, savoring the moment. The bitter taste of victory lingers on my tongue as a smug smile tugs at my lips. It’s been days since Aria disappeared, and their fear is a tangible thing, thick enough to cut with a knife. The chaos inside is palpable, even from here. I hear their frantic voices and see the desperation etched on their faces as they search for Aria. They fumble through this crisis like children lost in a dark forest, each step bringing them closer to the trap I’ve laid. Such delicious naivety.

The key to controlling the game is to know the pieces better than they know themselves. Aria was a wild card, a piece I didn’t anticipate becoming so critical, but her running? That’s just another opportunity. They are desperate, and desperation makes people pliable.

I push off the tree and stroll toward the house, every step measured and confident. The night is my ally, wrapping me in shadows as I approach the door. It swings open, and there stands Malachi, his face a mask of worry.

“Logan,” he murmurs, relief and desperation warring in his eyes. “Thank God you’re here. We haven’t found her yet, but I think we have it narrowed down.” His voice cracks, and I have to fight to keep the triumph from showing on my face.

I nod, my expression carefully projecting concern and urgency. “Of course. I’ll do everything I can to help.”

I step into a house that reeks of fear and desperation. Clothes are strewn about, maps cover every surface, and the air is thick with tension. Zane paces like a caged animal, while Dash and Quinn hover over a laptop, their faces ghostly pale in the screen’s glow. The scene is deliciously chaotic, and I drink it in.

I bite back a smirk, savoring their panic like a fine wine. Their desperation is intoxicating, making them blind to the predator in their midst. They’re so focused on their missing lamb that they can’t see the wolf licking his chops.

“What’s the plan?” I ask, adding a note of determination into my voice.

“We’re splitting up,” Quinn replies, his voice trembling. “We need to cover more ground. Aria could be going into heat soon,” Quinn says, his voice tight with worry. “If that happens, her scent will intensify. She already smells like orange Creamsicle—it’ll be impossible to miss.”

“Understood,” I say firmly, placing a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll find her and bring her back safe and sound.”

Malachi nods, his authoritative demeanor cracking slightly. “We have to stay focused.”

As we discuss our next steps, I subtly steer the conversation. “Aria’s strong-willed. She’s going to need more than just finding. You need to make sure she knows she’s yours and that this is where she belongs.” I watch their reactions, noting the flicker of doubt in their gazes.

Zane’s eyes flash with guilt and determination. “I never should have said those things. I drove her away.”

I squeeze his shoulder reassuringly. “We all make mistakes. What matters is how we fix them. You need to make her yours. You need to claim her. That’s the only way she’ll feel secure and stay.”

Dash frowns, uncertainty on his face. “You mean…force her?”

“Not force,” I say smoothly, the predator in me enjoying their hesitation. “Convince. Show her that she’s meant to be with you. No one else can protect her the way you can.” I see the seeds of doubt take root, their uncertainty growing with every word I speak.

Quinn looks conflicted, but Malachi, ever the leader, nods slowly. “Logan’s right. She needs to see that we’re her pack. Her only pack.”

They are already half broken by their fear. It won’t take much more to make them see things my way, and once they do, Aria will be ours, and I will have won. The thrill of manipulation and power I wield over them is intoxicating.

I’m just wondering when?—

A phone rings, the shrill sound cutting through the tension. There it is.

Everyone freezes. They can likely feel Malachi’s unease. I can’t, but that will change soon enough when I become part of the pack.

“What is it?” Quinn reacts first, ever the fucking boy scout.

“It’s…” Malachi pauses, looking up. “Scent Synergy.”

“What?” Zane grabs the phone and answers. “Hello?”

Malachi goes to grab the phone but holds him off.

It’s like watching toddlers fight over one toy.

“Really?” Hope blooms across his features. “We’ll be there.” He hangs up.

This is better than a movie.

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