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I’m not even upset about it. Hell, I should be the one giving him that connection he so desires, but I also realize it’s more than that. He needs to connect with someone on his level, and I won’t ever be that for him.

“So, Quinn, tell me more about that quantum mechanics fiasco,” Logan prompts, a twinkle in his eye.

Quinn chuckles, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Well, the kid thought I was talking about magic, so I just went with it. I mean, quantum mechanics is basically magic, right?”

The table erupts in laughter, and even Zane’s lips curl into a rare smile. Logan then turns to Zane, his tone curious. “Zane, you’ve been pretty quiet. Have any interesting stories to share?”

Zane shrugs, his gaze distant. “Not much of a storyteller,” he says, but the intensity in his eyes hints at countless untold tales.

Logan doesn’t miss a beat, seamlessly shifting his attention. “Malachi, how about you? You have to have some good stories from your travels.”

I sit back, my shoulders relaxed. “Nothing too exciting, just the usual pack business and keeping everyone in line,” I say with a small smile.

Logan nods, his eyes sharp and assessing. “Must be a lot of responsibility. Keeping the pack together, I mean.”

“The bond keeps us together,” I hedge. Dash may like Logan, but I’m not about to give him complete access to us and our bond. Logan doesn’t blink as I give him my answer. My gut is telling me to hold my cards close to my chest. It’s not because I think Logan is a bad guy, but a pack bond is sacred and binding. We must, above all else, remain unified.

He nods as though he understands, but I’m not sure he does. Can any outsider ever truly grasp the depth of a pack bond? Especially for an alpha without a pack. I try to pick up the emotions from my pack, seeking their silent input, but the club’s energy interferes, creating a cacophony of sensations that muddle our connection. The crowd’s excitement bleeds into our bond, and Dash’s performance on stage causes pulses of exhilaration that overshadow the others’ more subtle reactions. Luckily, he is finishing up on stage. When he joins us, I’ll get a better idea of how they all feel once we are together.

Even so, I catch fragments of emotions—wariness from Zane, a spark of curiosity from Quinn, and adrenaline and excitement from Dash. All their emotions swirl together into one overwhelming sensation I struggle to sift through.

I take a slow sip of my drink, watching Logan interact with my pack. Adding another alpha isn’t unheard of, it could even strengthen us. But as the leader, I need to be sure. My instincts are usually sharp, but tonight, they feel…muffled. The weight of leadership settles heavily on my shoulders as I consider the potential risks and benefits of allowing Logan to be closer to our pack.

“A pack bond isn’t just some mystical connection,” I state, my voice carrying the weight of leadership. “It’s a promise, a shared purpose. Each of us would lay down our lives for the others without hesitation. That’s not something you can fake or force.” I leave the statement hanging, an unspoken challenge for Logan to prove he understands the gravity of what he is asking about.

“Why haven’t you joined a pack?” Zane blurts out, his beer untouched.

Logan leans forward, resting his elbows on the table as he considers Zane’s question. “I’ve always been a bit of a lone wolf, I suppose,” he says with a wry smile. “I never found a pack that felt like the right fit.”

Zane’s eyes narrow, his posture stiffening slightly. I feel his suspicion radiating through our bond. He’s always been the more suspicious of us. Zane’s eyes narrow, his body tensing like a coiled spring. “Convenient, isn’t it?” he says, each word sharp as a blade. “Most alphas would kill for a pack. But you? You’ve been drifting solo all this time, and suddenly we’re your golden ticket? What’s your angle, Logan?”

I watch the exchange carefully, noting the subtle shifts in my packmates’ demeanors. Quinn is still curious, glancing between Zane and Logan as he absorbs every word. A flash of Jane’s face crosses my mind, reminding me of how easily we were fooled before. Never again, I think, pushing away the warmth I feel around Aria. Better to keep my guard up, no matter how right she feels.

Logan meets Zane’s gaze, a flicker of hurt crossing his features before he masks it. “I… It’s not that simple,” he says, his usual smoothness faltering. He runs a hand through his hair, clearly uncomfortable. “Being alone was easier than risking rejection, you know? But seeing you guys, how you are with each other…it made me realize what I’ve been missing.”

His words sound sincere, but I can’t shake a nagging feeling of unease. Zane’s skepticism hasn’t wavered, but that’s no surprise. Quinn’s mind is racing, likely analyzing every nuance of Logan’s response.

“Finding the right pack is important,” I say carefully, drawing Logan’s attention, “but it’s equally as important for the pack to find the right new member. Trust and compatibility go both ways.”

I let the statement hang in the air. As I watch his reaction, I silently urge my packmates to remain cautious. There is more to Logan than what meets the eye, and until we know more, we need to guard our secrets carefully.

“I do have a question.” Logan finishes his drink and leans back. “You don’t have an omega.”

“We don’t.” I shift uncomfortably.

“Why not?” he asks.

I glance at Quinn, who avoids my gaze—interesting—then to Zane, who just glares at Logan. “We are registered with Scent Synergy,” I say carefully.

He nods slowly. “Never registered myself.” He shrugs.

“We are also courting someone,” Quinn tells Logan as though he is gearing up for an argument.

Logan raises an eyebrow, intrigued by Quinn’s statement. “Courting someone? That’s a big step for a pack. Who’s the lucky person?”

I clear my throat, drawing Logan’s attention and interrupting anything Quinn or Zane may have to say. “We are exploring some potential changes to our pack dynamic,” I say, deliberately keeping my words vague, “but it’s still early days.”

Logan raises an eyebrow, intrigued by my cryptic statement. “Sounds interesting. Any specifics you can share?”

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