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But it was Sandy’s first time, and seeing the haunted look in her eyes as she held onto herself was a harsh reminder of just how terrible this was. Especially to those unaccustomed to being so completely centered in focus like that.

They returned to the manor, and he carried her to their room. She didn’t even try to fight, clinging to his neck as he locked the door from the inside. He hadn’t seen his mother, Orza, or Kirs, but he had no doubt they were around here somewhere.

He sat her down on their bed before sitting beside her. Neither of them spoke for a long time. He held her hand between them as he waited for her to collect herself.

Finally, she moved. Her head leaned over, resting against his arm.

“Realistically,” he started slowly, “they didn’t get anything. All they can say is that we were hiding in a utility closet. We can explain any sexual exploits as a human need – they can’t fault you for that, even if they judge you for it. It’s not much worse than what they already say about it.”

“I don’t really care what they say about me,” she said softly. “I’m more worried about the fact that they knew where we were.”

“That actually doesn’t surprise me.” He shook his head. “My mother has tracking on my combot. Just one of the many benefits of my adult guardianship.”

“So, she’s going back to her old tricks.”

“It would appear so.”

“Crap,” she breathed under her breath.

“It will be okay.”

“Of course, it will. I was just enjoying living without the shadow of her overhead. I knew she would fight back eventually. I just hoped for more time before she did so.”

Rane frowned. He wished he could do more for her. He wished he could protect her.

If he was able, he would have gone after all those paparazzi. He’d do anything to keep Sandy out of the media’s eye. Not because he wasn’t proud and didn’t want to show her off, but only because it was clear she didn’t like it.

But he couldn’t send out takedown notices of his own image, much less hers. He couldn’t do anything for her.

It was frustrating. More than that, it was infuriating.

“What do we do?” She asked.

“Even if we can’t rely on the embassy for help, getting you pregnant is still our best option for ensuring your freedom.”

After a moment, she nodded. “Yeah. Seems about right.”

“I have practice in the morning. While I’m there, go to Drevor’s place. Get to the healer. We’ll do it tomorrow night. After that… you should stay with Drevor.”

Sandy lifted her head, frowning at him. “Drevor?”

He nodded, a human mannerism he had picked up from her. “You’re not mated to me. She can’t demand you return here. Not without being hit with a kidnapping charge. If the embassy isn’t reliable, at least he is.”

Sandy frowned. “Yeah, that could probably work.”

“You don’t seem happy about it.”

She made a face. “I’m not.”

He grabbed her, yanking her into his lap. She grabbed onto him, surprised, but didn’t fight. Instead, she wrapped around his neck, smiling at him as he ran his hand along her thigh.

“I’ll still be here,” he promised. “I’ll send you my allowance every day so you can take care of yourself. I’ll try to see you as often as possible.”

It wouldn’t be often, he knew. If Sandy escaped her clutches, Elffa would just tighten her grip upon him. He would be escorted everywhere by Orza and Kirs again. She would surely do anything she could to make his life miserable, to completely ruin his reputation with the tribunal.

Sandy hesitated before nodding. “Okay. Let’s do it.”

He hesitated. “Really?”

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