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“What?” The father jumped.

Rane gave her a curious look. He wasn’t concerned about her spending his credz, but he was confused about what she was doing.

“Right,” she nodded. “To make up for having to leave. We’re going to give this place the rest of today’s spending limit to give out as tokens to everyone here. Is that okay?”

“Er, that’s… thank you,” the mother squeaked, surprised. That many tokens, even given amongst this crowd, was still a lot.

Sandy still looked at them apologetically as she pulled on his arm, taking him away. “I really wish we could do more for you. But his allowance is only a thousand credz a day, and we already spent some this morning.”

The mother and father shared a look. Rane said nothing as he just followed Sandy as she took him to the exit and out to where Drevor was waiting with the hover. He waved at everyone one last time as she got in before following after her.

Drevor took off without a word as Sandy, waving some cool air in her face, grimaced as she took the clip from her hair, freeing the strands with a sigh of relief.

“That’s better…”

“Why did you do that?”

“Hm? The money thing?” She winced. “Sorry. I should have asked you first.”

“No, I don’t care about that.” It was almost midnight anyway, and he would get another thousand credz tomorrow. “Why did you tell them about the allowance?”

“Oh, that. Well, if your mother wants to have a smear campaign, I figure it’s only fair if we start dropping little nuggets of truth here and there. I don’t want to just announce what’s been happening, but if we can start planting seeds of the real story, people can start figuring it out themselves. They can speculate and formulate their own ideas. It will be slower, but in the long run, it will be a lot more powerful than if we just tell them what’s happening. If they start demanding answers, they can start demanding change.”

Rane said nothing. Not sure how he felt about what she was saying. He didn’t really want people to know about what was happening to him. It was humiliating. It was demeaning. What was even the point if it wouldn’t change anything? The tribunal wasn’t going to undo their ruling just because some people on the subnet started asking questions.

But Sandy seemed so completely sure of what she was doing. He didn’t really want to stop her, even as something hard and cold and painful clenched in his chest. It wasn’t embarrassment. It wasn’t even really hesitation. He wasn’t entirely sure what it was, but it was part of him that just wanted to put his head down and stop trying because there was no point.

“What was with the handprint thing?”

“Handprint thing?” he frowned, confused at having his focus so suddenly jerked off the slow spiral of helpless depression he had started falling in.

“Everyone was asking for pictures and handprints,” she said. “Is that like a thing? I mean, duh, it’s obviously a thing if people are asking for it, I just mean what’s up with that?”

“Oh. Well, handprints are unique. Not just among species, but also among people. Having someone’s handprint is like proof that you met them. Some people turn them into collectors’ items or have them framed. It’s just something special that famous people can give to fans.”

“Like an autograph,” she smiled. “We have something similar on Earth. Oh, but we’d never use handprints. It would be dangerous.”


“Well, they’re completely unique, like you said. So, what if someone used your fingerprint to break into something you used it to secure? Or what if someone planted them at the scene of a crime or something? It would just be dangerous.”

Rane chuckled, putting his arm around her. “No one uses fingerprints to secure something. Living DNA locks are used for biometrics. I supposed someone could plant your fingerprints at a crime, but what would be the point of that? It would easily be proven that it was planted. Unique fingerprints are just a little fun fact that makes it easy to give fans a unique and easily verifiable piece of yourself that they can collect.”

Sandy smiled, leaning into him. “That’s pretty cool.”

“Want one?” He nipped playfully at her ear, making her shiver.

“Ooh, like a tattoo? I’ve never had a tattoo before.”

He groaned. That wasn’t what he meant, but he loved that idea. “Yes. A tattoo of my handprint. Right here.” He grabbed her ass, palming and squeezing it. Loving the feeling of her in his hands. Knowing that she would be permanently marked as his made his gums ache, longing to grab onto her neck and bite down. Giving her as many marks as he could to prove she was his. To her and everyone else, and to himself as well.

“Only if you get mine too,” she demanded, putting her hand right on his chest. “Here. So everyone can see it all the time.”

His cock throbbed. Loving that idea too. Female telfay didn’t mark their males, but of course his Sandy would want that in turn. She was already so different from what he expected, he adored each new, strange idea that came from her head.

“Don’t you two even start,” Drevor ordered from the front of the hover. “I’m still here, and there’s no bonus you can promise that would ever make it worth having to watch you mate.”

Rane glared at him, possessively pulling Sandy into his lap. “As if I would ever let you see her like that. That’s for my eyes alone.”

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