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Drevor cleared his throat. “Very well. I’ll go stand with Orza and Kirs. Please let me know if either of you need anything.”

Rane watched him walk away, wanting to mock him behind his back. But tonight was starting out… kind of alright. And he didn’t want to ruin that.

Turning, he faced Sandy properly and she looked back at him. Her lips curled up in a smile, and just like that, the harsh stare was broken. Because he had earned the right to her, the others had not.

Though he didn’t know what she could possibly see in him that made her think he was worthy, he also didn’t want to question it. It felt… right for her eyes to be on him. His fingers twitched with the instinctive urge to pose for her.

But he didn’t. Because he was going to be sending her away. Because he didn’t have that right.

“So, that was trikball,” she said like Drevor had never interrupted. “You were impressive.”

He chuckled self-consciously, crest slowly rising despite himself. “You were watching?”

She nodded. “It was amazing. I’ve never really been into sports myself, but it was really exciting. I wish I had better company than your mother, but aside from that, it was fun to watch.”

He grimaced. “You really aren’t afraid of her, are you?”

“Why would I be afraid of your mother?”

“I mean, she controls you. She’s got you locked up.”

“So?” She shrugged. “What’s she going to do? Kill me? Torture me?”

Rane’s jaw dropped stunned. She was so cavalier. So unconcerned.

Sandy laughed, the delightful tinkle of it setting a fire ablaze in his belly. “You look so shocked. Fear is something you give to another. If you refuse to give it, they might be able to control you, but they won’t have control over you.”

“That’s the same thing.”

“No. There’s a difference. She can force me to go places, but she can’t take anything from me or do anything to me. At least, nothing I have to fear.” She shrugged again. “If she does want to torture or kill me, then I guess I’ll either die or fight back. But I’m not afraid of her. I certainly don’t care what she does. For now, I’m more interested in you.”

Rane was too baffled to respond. It was like she was speaking a completely different language. It made no sense, what she was saying.

“Do you want to enjoy the party?” Sandy asked, doing just as she said. Being more interested in him than his mother and her control.

He didn’t think anyone had asked him that before. Oh, plenty of people had asked if he wanted to go to a party. And there were also plenty of times that he was forced to a party, regardless of what he actually wanted. But no one asked if he wanted to enjoy the party.

And the honest answer was-

“No. I don’t know.”

She smiled. “Okay. You want to sit at the bar or something?”

“I, er, don’t really want to be here. Right now.”

She smiled. “Then, let’s go somewhere else.”

He wanted to ask where they were supposed to go. Orza and Kirs were right there, keeping eyes on them from a distance.

But then Sandy grabbed his hand. She took it like it was her right and began pulling him along across the dance floor. Not towards the exit – which would surely alert Orza and Kirs – but towards the buffet in the center of the room.

“I hope you don’t mind if we get some food first. I’m starving,” she said, eagerly looking everything over. “I don’t recognize any of this. What’s that stuff.”

“Leaf wraps,” he said, cocking his head curiously. “They’re stuffed with spiced meat and fruit. But they’re a bit heavy. Females don’t tend to like them.”

“Sounds delicious,” she said, grabbing a plate and piling on four of them.

Rane watched her stunned, “You can eat that much?”

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