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“What is his name?” She asked, trying not to sound as skeptical as she felt.

“Who?” Blue asked, confused.

“My mate. You said you worked for him. So, what’s his name?” She did her best not to deflate under their nearly hostile looks.

“Rane,” Green answered. “We’re to take you to him.”

“Right,” she mumbled. That was correct. So, they knew his name and they knew her name. If nothing else, that proved that they had been given her information by someone.

What was it those conspiracy theorists had been saying? Was this her first part in being kidnapped and trafficked?

What are you waiting for, girlie? She could hear her grandmother laughing. This was her adventure right now. True Match was a trusted company. The match wasn’t something done based on some kind of personality quiz or even her personal choice. It was supposed to be based on the soul. And all the success stories from the human-to-human matches insisted that it was true.

She certainly wasn’t getting anywhere just standing here.

“Okay,” she said, taking her suitcase handle. It was a big one, bought especially for this trip, and it, combined with the travel bag over her shoulder, held all that was left of her life. “Thank you for picking me up. I’m ready to go.”

She didn’t get anything else from the glowering duo. Green turned and started leading, while Blue stayed behind her. Flanking her as they guided her from the concourse.

They didn’t tell her their names. They didn’t bother to explain where they were going. They seemed very unfriendly overall.

She supposed bodyguards would be hired for their protection potential, not really how nice they appeared, but as far as welcomes went, this was not one.

Of course, at this point, she was already going to have a conversation with her supposed mate. His taciturn bodyguards were the least of it. Her first question was going to be where he was when she landed. Not meeting her himself was one thing; being late to not meet her was another.

He might have a perfectly good reason, of course. Maybe there was an emergency. Maybe her ship actually landed early, and he was right on time in sending the two reptilian males. Maybe keeping your mate waiting like this was some kind of cultural thing – in which case, they’d need to have a conversation about her boundaries regarding his culture. There was definitely a middle ground there that wouldn’t leave her feeling abandoned or in danger.

Sandy would kept her irritation to herself until she knew for sure as the duo took her out of the port to what was unmistakably a pickup lane. They already had a vehicle there, waiting for them, guarded by what appeared to be a valet judging by the others in similar dress lingering around. And she knew she had just flown on spaceships to get here, but there was something about seeing a car just floating off the ground that finally made things seem real.

She was on an alien planet.

The sky overhead was bright, silvery blue, with only a few white clouds here and there. The city she could just see even standing here wasn’t the normal gray she was accustomed to from concrete. It was instead made of varying shades of green, like all the buildings were built from jade and trimmed in bronze.

The floating car was shiny blue-black, with dark, tinted windows, and a rounded body. Green opened the door and stepped aside for her to enter. The interior was just as dark and rather cozy. She expected leather seats from what she knew of luxury vehicles back home, but they were instead made of incredibly soft fabric – like a baby blanket.

She melted into the comfort of it before looking for a seatbelt of some kind as Blue easily lifted her suitcase and set it inside. But before she could ask the scaley twins about the seatbelt situation or where they were going, her door was shut, and she was alone inside the space. Movement from the front told her where the other two went, though she couldn’t see them through the privacy glass. Before she could move across the space – which was wide like the back of a limo – and tap the glass to get their attention, the vehicle was already moving.

Being in a car without a seatbelt felt so wrong. This went against everything she was taught. But she couldn’t see anything like one, and she was quickly distracted by all the sights that quickly flashed by outside the window.

The floating car didn’t stay on the road. It lifted up, hovering in the air, giving her an even better look at this alien city she had landed in.

The space port was isolated, probably for safety reasons or something. But there was plenty of traffic flying to and from the star shaped port, back towards the jade colored city. Sandy wished she knew how to operate the windows as she pressed her face against them, looking ahead at the huge, sprawling metropolis they were heading towards.

There were some white buildings, a few gray ones, but the majority were jade green, shining brightly in the sun.

She got an even better look when the flying car turned, circling around the city. She was able to stare with wide, amazed eyes as a sparse, golden forest flashed by beneath her. The leaves were bright golden brown and orange gold – like they were changing colors with the seasons. Were they? Or was that their color all the time?

She didn’t know, but finding out would be its own little adventure.

The car ride was long, but she didn’t get bored staring at the city. The beautiful, tall buildings with such unique architecture and the flying cars darting here and there and the alien landscape with distant, snowcapped mountains that seemed to sparkle like gold thanks to the color of all the plant life that shined in the sun were so stunning, she couldn’t look away.

Eventually, however, she felt the alien car slowing and they turned again. She didn’t get to see where they were until they came to a halt. The duo up front moved again and, moments later, her door was opened.

She gasped as she stepped out, looking up at the beautiful manor in front of her. It was like a mansion from a dream. It was white, unlike the jade buildings from the city, but she did see a hint of jade and gold in the details, especially in the slates of the sloped roof. Wide, sweeping steps led to a huge, jade door on a porch covered by roofing that was supported by large, smooth columns. Bright white flowers filled tiered beds that went up the middle of the steps, while sparkling water from twin curtains of water fell behind the columns.

“Wow,” she breathed, standing in awe. She hadn’t actually asked how well off her new mate was supposed to be. Seemed like a rude of question, and she figured he would be comfortable considering he had promised to pay the fees to get her here by himself. And certainly, only wealthy people had bodyguards, right? But, in the end, it hadn’t really mattered. Sandy would adjust herself to whatever lifestyle they were going to be living – rich or poor.

But she hadn’t been expecting all this.

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