Page 55 of Another Life

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“No. I want to take Layla out the day after tomorrow when I get back, so there’s a lot to arrange,” I answered with a grain of truth in my response.

Layla came back and climbed on Dorian’s knee. “All set for bed, Daddy. Two more sleeps until you can read and tuck me in, right?”

I nodded, my jaw slackening from the tension I felt from my conversation with her uncle. “That’s right, Baby. I can’t wait.”

Concluding the call, I closed the Skype out with my stomach churning and a head full of doubts. Leaving my laptop running, I sat at the side of the bed, grabbed the remote and switched on the TV.


The boredom of watching five grown gold miners digging for pay dirt for an hour lulled me into a fitful sleep, until I woke with a start at the familiar and distinctive Skype call tone. Stretching my way out of my sleep I sat upright, my heart rate spiking at the sudden disturbance. I grabbed my laptop, resting it on my knees, and leaned back against the headboard as I connected.

Harper’s face appeared on the screen. She looked gorgeous. My heart clenched at how happy she looked and a knot formed in my stomach because this was the effect of being with another man.

Glancing at the clock a quick calculation told me it was 1:30 a.m. back home and my heart sank because she was late home from her date.

“Dorian told me I had to call you no matter what time, what’s up?” The casual way she addressed me was less hostile than before.

“I’m taking Layla camping this weekend. I need you to make sure she has everything she needs for a night under the stars. We’re saddling up and I’m taking her for a father daughter camp out.”

“Gotcha. I’ll make sure Stuart has the farrier check out her pony’s shoes. Anything else?”

Sighing, I ran my hand through my hair and prepared to eat crow. “Yeah, there is,” I muttered, clearing my throat.

Glancing seriously at the screen, I took a deep breath. “I’m sorry for running out on you like that,” I mumbled, then held my breath when she didn’t immediately reply.

Twisting her lips, like the topic was distasteful she shrugged. “Okay.”

“No, I really am,” I protested.

“It’s fine. You’re right, it was a bad idea,” she offered and shrugged.

“Was it?” I asked, pushing for a different response.

For a few seconds she averted her eyes and slowly nodded.

“It was wrong of me to attempt to force something you tell me isn’t there,” she muttered.

“Or was I the one in the wrong?”


“Meaning I’ve had time to think about everything… time out to view things objectively.”

When she nodded in agreement, I thought she was going to accept that I’d sorted through my feelings, but her unexpected reply floored me.

“Me too, and I was wrong to push myself on you like that. I took advantage of your vulnerabilities.”

“I may have been distressed and depressed about my life, Harper, but despite those facts I have always been conscious of any decision I’ve made. If I was as vulnerable as you think I was, I’d have taken what I needed from you without considering the consequences.”

Shrugging again, she scooped up her hair and tied it up in a ponytail. My eyes cut to her neck, and for a moment I remembered the way I had kissed, licked, and nibbled it in the dark. My cock pulsed at the memory.

Realizing a long pause had stretched between us, I waited for her to reply. Eventually, she sat back in my office chair and rocked for a moment, then tilted her head to the side.

“I’m glad you stopped short, and we never fucked. At the time I felt hurt and rejected… like I was only the nanny and not good enough for your bed.”

“That wasn’t it at all,” I protested again.

“Wasn’t it? Isn’t it still? While I believe everything happens for a reason, I was way out of line. You’re right, I’m your employee and what I did put Layla’s stability at risk.”

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