Page 4 of Another Life

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“Good God, please don’t look at me. I’m a mess,” she muttered, dumping her designer purse on the floor when she caught sight of herself in our entrance hall mirror.

“Nonsense Baby, I’m still very attracted to you, never been more so than right now. Check you out? Hair like this,” I commented, grabbing a handful of her wild, dark silky mane and sifting my fingers through it. Kissing her cheek, I added, “and when I see this gorgeous face with your sexy as fuck full lips, and this amazing belly…” I stopped talking when my emotions overwhelmed me and I had to kiss her instead.

Passion tore through me as soon as her tongue slid over mine, and my heart rate kicked up its pace. As fire began to flow through my veins, my grip tightened further as my dick strained hard in my jeans.

A soft erotic moan travelled between Grace’s mouth and mine and with my arms at full stretch given her bump, I grabbed two handfuls of her ass.

“Dear God in Heaven, will you two get a room?” Matty, our housekeeper had wandered into the hallway and beat a hasty retreat to the kitchen.

“Jesus, Matty, will you get yourself a pair of noisy clogs and stop creeping the fuck up on us? Besides, it’s the middle of the night; you should be in bed.” I called back. Grace burst out laughing and swatted my arm.

“Stop it, you’ll make her uncomfortable and she’ll leave.”

“You think? The woman lives to give me shit. Where else would she get away with talking to her boss the way she talks to me?”

“Well, she’s right. We should go up to our bedroom,” Grace suggested, but suddenly doubled over in pain again.

“Are you okay?” I asked as I bent over with her and held her tight.

“Fu— jeez,” she replied, unable to answer as she rubbed her belly and breathed her way through the pain. When her discomfort subsided, she took another deep breath and straightened up. “Wow, that was intense.”

“Should we go to the hospital?” I asked, my arms tightening protectively in support.

“Pfft, because I’ve had a twinge? You want them to laugh at us?” she replied in a matter-of-fact tone. From my perspective she’d had more than a few twinges in the previous few days.

“I don’t want you to be in pain.”

“Then you shouldn’t have gotten me pregnant.” She smirked and stepped away from me, but barely made it up the sixth step before she doubled over again. Turning to look at me she shrugged. “Maybe a trip to the hospital isn’t such a bad idea.”


Grabbing the keys from the bowl in the hallway where Stuart, one of my house staff had left them, I turned Grace back in the direction of the front door. She had already packed bags in preparation for the hospital and stuffed them in the trunk of all three cars we made use of. After helping her into the car passenger seat I slid behind the wheel and my chest felt tight.

As I drove out through the heavy privacy gates of our home it dawned on me that Stuart should have driven, but I wasn’t thinking straight, and it hadn’t occurred to me to call him out of his room. It was fortunate I had only been drinking water all night out of concern for my wife.

Grace messaged her Obstetrician, dropped her cell into her oversized purse and placed it on the floor as another contraction ripped through her. When her discomfort finally subsided, it gave me a short window of calm to talk to her.

“Thirty-five weeks is still good, right?” Slamming my foot on the gas, I turned my nervous gaze from the rain lashed windshield to eye her with concern. The windshield wipers beat in a rhythm which sounded faster and louder than usual as I waited for her to respond. I was naturally concerned because she’d missed her previous two doctor’s appointments due to us being on the road, but when I challenged her about this Grace had insisted, she and the baby would be fine.

Until week thirty three Grace’s pregnancy had been a textbook one—apart from the discomfort of needing to pee all the time and some niggling pains she assured me was to be expected as the birth date grew nearer.

Pain clouded my gorgeous wife’s normally vibrant gray eyes when she looked back at me, her appearance did nothing to reassure me. Clutching her swollen belly, the agony was clear in her face as she nursed her bump with her hands.

“Yeah, another three weeks and they’d class her as full-term, so I guess our baby should be—” Another painful contraction caught her already labored breathing and interrupted the reassurance I had desperately sought. My chest tightened further, my anxiety increasing because apart from the actual birth, seeing Grace doubled up in pain was the part I’d been dreading the most from her condition.

Gripping the steering wheel, I noted my sweaty palms clung desperately to it as anxiety threatened to take over when I heard how deeply she inhaled in her effort to manage her pain. I was impressed by my wife’s conscious effort to remain in control of her labor.

As time passed, she began to moan louder in discomfort and my heart jolted with anxiety each time I heard it. Nausea came in a wave and I swallowed it down because it wasn’t time and no matter how much we’d talked about the birth, I wasn’t prepared. Watching the love of my life in pain was hell. Even if it was necessary to bring the new life we had created together into this world.

When another contraction wore off an additional concern sprang to mind. “Your obstetrician’s office replied to your message, right?”

Grace reached down, dragged her huge purse full of shit onto her lap and rummaged around inside. Finally, she pulled out her cell phone and let the heavy bag slide back to the floor.

The bright blue screen instantly glowed, lighting up the surrounding blanket of darkness inside the car. Swiping the small screen, she lifted her cell to her ear, and I knew she had received a voicemail.

“Yeah,” she barely managed to breathe before another pain took her attention. Relief washed over me, glad that someone with the expertise to help Grace would be waiting for her on arrival.

I glanced at the digital clock on the dashboard panel: 3:21 a.m. Beside it was the date: January 7th, and I noted that until now it wasn’t one which held any significance for me. A swell of excitement from inside reminded me it would be the day to surpass all the days of my life. The day my first child would be born and the beginning of a new life for Grace and me.

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