Page 24 of Another Life

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“You need help and I know you won’t accept more counseling. I heard you yelling all the way down here in the kitchen the last time,” she informed me, giving me a wry smirk.

I nodded. She was right, I wouldn’t. “What kind of help?”

“Me. Let me support you. Nothing heavy. Maybe the healthy body, healthy mindset kind of stuff. I’m qualified for that remember? Layla starts at the Montessori school in the fall, which is three weeks from now. I’ll write you a yoga program to start you off, then we can get into a routine when Layla’s in school.”

“You’d give up your free time like that for me?”

“No. You’d be joining me in my regular morning sessions. It’ll help me keep up my teaching skills. I was going to take on a couple of clients in my free time, but I can do you instead,” she suggested. Harper’s face blushed again, and for a second I had no idea why she was having this reaction, then the ‘I can do you’ comment registered with me.

“Done. But I insist on paying you as my trainer. The thought of working with anyone else right now is too much, but I guess I should warn you… I’m not the easiest person to get along with.”

“I figured as much,” she commented truthfully, “but I’d be happy to take you on.” I stared intensely at the beautiful, kindhearted girl in front of me and considered her proposal. If anyone could help me get back on track, it was her.

“Jeez, but I’m a mess,” I admitted, running my fingers through my hair.

“Yeah, at times you are, but you’re getting better, Cole. Recognizing things need to change is the first step back to health; the rest we’ll work out as we go.”

“Anyone ever told you you’re amazing?” I asked because I genuinely thought she was.

“No one of rock star status, but I’ll take it,” she replied, and we both laughed.

“Well, you are. Thank you for all you do for me and Layla. We appreciate your support.”

“My pleasure. She makes my job easy.”

“Implying I don’t?” I chuckled.

“I’m not your nanny,” she teased.

“Sometimes I forget that, huh?” I was thinking back on how I’d just poured my heart out.

“I’m here for you too, Cole. You’re a lovely man. You just have to admit you need a little help to get back on your feet after everything you’ve been through. It needs to come from within though. No one can do it for you, no matter how much we’d all like to.”

“Jesus, are you nagging already? I thought you said the training doesn’t start for another three weeks?”

Harper laughed and stood lifting her plate. “You can start by getting some proper rest. You’ve had a long day. Get yourself to bed and I’ll clear all this away.”

Pushing out of my chair, I almost went to hug her again, then thought better of it and nodded.

“Thanks, Sweetheart, g’night.”


When Harper mentioned the cookout to Layla, my daughter quickly used this to her advantage and invited two more girls and their families before Harper drew a line. By Saturday, Matty was almost as excited as my daughter because we hadn’t entertained at the house since before Grace had passed.

Thinking I’d need a little moral support from a few friendly faces, I invited my nearest neighbor and fellow musician, Max Ingle, and his wife, Sarah-Jayne, along with their daughter, Lucinda, to keep me company.

When Grace was alive, Max’s place had been a regular haunt for my girl, who was close to Sarah-Jayne, and Max was the only guy outside of the house and the band I’d conversed with about Grace since she’d died. I could be myself with him.

Come Sunday morning, everything was in place and I felt a little more relaxed for having taken Harper’s advice and had caught up on a few good nights’ sleep. Layla was beside herself with excitement and had been wandering around the house in her bright pink princess bathing suit, since a little after 5:00 a.m.

Waking me up had become a habit of Layla’s since I’d been home, but seeing her excited, smiling face lifted my heart. If I’m honest, although her resemblance to her mom was uncanny, she made me forget the bad times and kept me firmly in the present.

It was little after 1:00 p.m. when Layla came bursting excitedly into my office to tell me the guests had arrived. Grabbing me by my hand in her now familiar eager way to place me where she wanted, she dragged me along behind her until we reached the kitchen door.

“Now, Daddy, I’ve warned Jaden not to pee anywhere,” she told me, crossing her arms in front of her then swiping them wide with her palms faced down to emphasize how serious she was. “And I’ll be watching him so you don’t need to worry,” she added, nodding in her organized tone.

For a second, I wondered whether I wanted to know my innocent little daughter was waiting for the moment when her little friend got his wiener out and whether this really was Jaden’s party piece.

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