Page 100 of Another Life

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Tears welled in Harper’s eyes and she touched my face in return. “Cole, it’s me who should be thanking you, for letting me in when life was so tough, for trusting we could do this when you had experienced so much hurt. Our baby’s birth is a new beginning, our new beginning. We’ve just got to believe this and it’ll work out.”

“I believe you, Sweetheart. I used to think my life was over; I didn’t want to go on. Now I can’t wait for each tomorrow, to get to know this tiny bundle of love and hope. To watch our children grow. What I witnessed today was an incredible show of strength; you have an amazing and beautiful soul. Thank you for my precious son, for being everything my beautiful daughter needs, and for loving me.”

For years I was stuck, my soul buried in tragedy, along with who I thought was the love of my life. Consumed by my heartache to the point I almost missed the joy I never thought it was possible to feel again. Where a sudden catastrophic event turned my life on its head as I clung to the memories of a love that was lost.

When my heart wanted to heal, I had feelings within me I couldn’t bear to have, because my mind wasn’t ready to trust that things could be other than the desolate despair of the path I was walking alone.

Truth was: I was never alone. I was just too damaged to notice; too afraid to climb out of the shell of who I once was, to be the man my daughter needed.

I thought Grace was my life, when she was an important part, but not the whole. Loving Harper wasn’t a choice, and I finally faced my fears enough to grab onto my second chance for another life, with both hands.

Through faith and trust, Harper not only mended my heart, she made me stronger, and I learned to love her in ways I never knew existed during the time I had with Grace. I also discovered, by finding the courage to sidestep the darkness grief and sorrow brings, it may be possible to find true love more than once within the same lifetime.

The End.

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