Page 19 of Lucky Man

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“Now you’re talking. I didn’t come all this way to freeze my ass off and not get a good bottle of whiskey out of it.”

“Remember what I warned you about Paddy, skis and whiskey are a lethal mix.”

Paddy raised a brow in surprise. “Who was it that said anything about me skiing? Give me one of those little quad bike things on skis and I’ll be as happy as a pig in shit.”

“You mean a snowmobile? You can’t drive those drunk either,” I warned, sternly.

“No intention of driving it, that’s what I brought Bernie for.”

Daisy’s eyes widened at the thought of his wife in charge of Paddy, drunk on the back of a snowmobile.

“It’s all good, we’ve got a private suite in the resort so there’s no need for me to cart him around. Any driving will be at the hands of a guy who knows what he’s doing in this weather.”

She turned to Daisy and grinned. “That was romantic … all those fireworks and Jamie on one knee in the snow. Paddy proposed to me with a pint of lager and a packet of pork scratchings. I mean pork scratchings are far from my favorite, but the pub was all out of salt and vinegar chips that night.”

Daisy chuckled with narrowed eyes, unsure whether Bernie was teasing or not. Knowing Paddy’s lack of charisma, I was one hundred percent sure she was telling the truth.

Several rounds of drinks later, Paddy and his wife piled into the hired car that had brought them from the resort to the restaurant with the promise we’d meet up tomorrow. Ryan and Belle traveled back to the resort with us.

“You really had no idea?” Belle asked excitedly as Daisy stared down at her ring. She wiggled her fingers so that the diamond caught any light in the back of the SUV.

“No, none. That saying ‘love is blind’ must be true because I can usually smell a plot brewing when someone does something behind my back.”

“Are you going to FaceTime Mammy and Daddy and tell them?”

My girl’s face paled. “My da is going to be miffed you didn’t ask him first,” she declared with a glare.

“Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong. When I came to visit you after Paris, your dad and I had a quiet word. It went something like, “Upset my daughter, cheat on her or treat her less than your queen and I’ll flatten you with my tractor.”

Daisy and Belle burst out laughing. “Ah, that’s my da,” they both said in unison.


After dropping my nephew and Daisy’s sister off at the same hotel where Paddy and his wife were staying, my girl and I followed Felix back up the mountain to the cabin on our snowmobile.

“The chocolate you asked for is in the fridge,” Felix informed us after we’d taken off all our outdoor wear and headed into the family room. The fire roared in the hearth, and I knew the chalet maid had been here.

“It’s been a long day,” my bodyguard mused as he stretched his arms above his head. He had been incredible in his planning today to ensure everything had gone smoothly.

“Thanks, dude. I appreciate all your hard work today. We’re spending the day with the others on the slopes tomorrow, but not until the afternoon. Stay in bed in the morning for a while. We’ll be happy to have toast and coffee when we wake up and we’ll grab an early lunch before hitting the slopes.” I glanced toward Daisy who nodded her agreement.

“Of course,” Daisy agreed.

“Congratulations again,” Felix told us both with a smile. “Maybe you’ll work out where you’re going to live to keep my boss from being so cranky when you’re not around, since you’re going to be his wife.”

Daisy chuckled. “Aw, I love that he’s cranky when I’m not around, it tells me he loves me,” she responded as she came over to me and slipped her arms around my waist.

Felix knocked on the table and bit back a grin. “In the interest of self-preservation, I’m heading off to bed before I give away any more of Jamie’s secrets.”

“Goodnight, Felix,” I said pointedly, but he knew I was joking. He headed across the family room and into his part of the cabin, closing the door behind him. Turning my attention back to Daisy I flashed her an affectionate smile. “So, fiancée, where were we?”

“I don’t know about you, but I got engaged to a smokin’-hot rock star,” she drawled in a mock Southern accent.

A grin spread on my face. “Oh, is that so? I think I got the better part of the deal because I got a pretty, Irish barmaid,” I countered in my mock Irish one.

Daisy threw me a patronizing look at my attempt at sounding like an Irishman and shook her head. “May I remind you, I’m not just a barmaid but a pub owner, landlady, and licensee. There’s a difference.”

“Yes, ma’am. I stand corrected.” I chuckled. “But here, you’re the sexiest woman of my dreams,” I said, curling my arms around her. “Ryan was right, I am such a lucky man. Did it occur to you that I brought you somewhere snowy to propose?”

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