Page 1 of Lucky Man

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Inhaling the crisp clean air made me feel alive. My skin and throat burned from the freezing conditions as I pulled off my helmet and squinted against the glare of the sun in the blue cloudless sky. I reckoned there would only be about one more hour until nightfall, and two hours until Daisy arrived at the resort.

Felix, my bodyguard, had led the way up to the secluded cabin Donna, my PA, had hired for our romantic vacation, but had left immediately after to retrace his tracks back down to the resort in readiness to meet my girl. Daisy would be tired after her long journey from Dublin to Burlington.

It was a two-mile snowmobile ride from the center of Sugarbush Ski Resort to the secluded cabin on Lincoln Peak Mountain in Vermont. The frosty conditions during the ten-minute ride had almost frozen my balls off, despite the heated seat, but I had been told the ride to the location would be worth it.

I’d been to Sugarbush a few times before, it was a well-known haunt for celebrities and the accommodation was priced accordingly to meet the level of luxury I had become accustomed to.

My breath hitched when I took in the scenery that surrounded the cabin. It looked ‘winter wonderland idyllic’ and would have been a perfect location for any Christmas romance movie. I’d never been anywhere quite like it, despite all my travels, that could compare to the secluded little spot Donna had found. My heart sped up when I figured it created the perfect setting for what I had in mind for my getaway with my girl.

I hadn’t been as excited about anything in years as I was when I arrived at the resort. That excitement only grew in my belly as I took in the cabin and thought about how the next few days may unfold.

The sight of the warm glow of soft lighting inside the cabin window of the rental filled me with delight. I then prayed that the place that we’d call home for the next five days would feel as inviting on the inside. In my mind, everything had to be perfect to help create a special memory I’d hoped would last us a lifetime.

Stamping the snow off my boots on the threshold, I stepped inside the porch of the quaint, rustic log cabin. The door immediately opened and a blast of warm air from a heater over the door instantly stung my cheeks.

“Welcome,” a young girl said and stepped aside for me to enter. As I stepped further into the hallway heat burned my nostrils and lungs. The warmth instantly made me feel welcome.

The young, student-type girl that was there with the keys to greet me shot past me, quickly shoved the thick pine door closed and walked back in front of me. When her eyes met mine, she cast me an awestruck look that told me she knew who I was.

She paused for a moment and stared blankly before she almost reached out, thought better of it and her fingers curled into a fist. “You really are that Jamie Fontaine!” she gushed as she slowly pulled her fist to her chest.

“Hey,” I said, ignoring her statement and began pulling off my gloves one by one. I stuffed them under my armpit and clapped my hands to warm them. My fingertips that had gone numb during the last part of the ride. When she didn’t say anything else, I dropped my focus to the floor and noticed her stocking feet.

Noting a small puddle pooling around my boots, I toed them off and when I looked up again, she had turned away and had begun to wander down the hallway toward what I’d assumed must be the family room. I padded over the tiled floor behind her with the underfloor heating thawing my feet with every step I took.

“Kelsy,” she said when she suddenly stopped, turned and stuck her small hand out toward me. I responded by shaking it and she pulled it back like she had been stung. She looked a little dazed as she pulled her sweater sleeve down over it and looked up to face me. I watched her curiously as I laid down my gloves and peeled out of my damp ski jacket. She wandered around to the other side of the kitchen island situated in the open-plan family room and slapped her hands on the granite countertop.

“I managed to source all the provisions the lady asked for. They are stocked in the pantry, refrigerator and wine cooler,” she said as I laid my jacket over a free stool by the island and sat on another to listen. “Tonight’s dinner is already prepped here,” she advised. She opened the fridge door and pointed to it. “All you need to do is to slide it into a warm oven thirty minutes before you want to eat it.”

“Sounds great, thank you,” I responded, memorizing everything she told me. She looked far too young and fragile to work in such a remote area of the mountain alone.

Kelsy’s eyes wandered around the room as if she were thinking. When she tapped her lips with her fingertips, I realized I was staring at her, she blushed, “What else?” she hummed while her cheeks turned pinker by the minute, and she began to appear a little flustered. “Wood pile has been stocked and the fire’s all set,” she remarked as she pointed over at that. “The matches are up on the mantle. If you text me when you want it cleaned out and prepped again, I’ll come over and do that when you’re out. Otherwise, I can do it when I come by to drop off tomorrow’s dinner.”

“That won’t be necessary—not tomorrow at any rate… for the fire I mean. As for food, if we don’t eat out, we’ll likely order from the restaurants in the resort and my bodyguard will collect it. I can take care of the fire tomorrow. In fact, I think all we need for our stay is fresh sheets and towels for each day, and if we do want the fire, I’ll text you.”

“Fresh sheets daily?” she asked in surprise before her face turned beet red and my unspoken reason sank in.

“Yeah, skiing makes me sweat,” I said as an alternative to the delicious mess I’d envisioned our love making would make. “I don’t want my girl getting into bed at night with the lingering smell of my sweaty body if I’ve been out skiing and taken a nap.”

“Oh,” she said, her face turning a deeper shade of red and I chuckled because we both figured I was talking bullshit.

“Did you think I meant something else?” I poked, straight-faced because my sick sense of humor enjoyed embarrassing people who made assumptions based upon my reputation. When she opened the door and stared into the fridge again, I figured she was trying to save face.

“D … do you want me to show you around?” Kelsy asked, quickly changing the subject still fascinated by the contents of the fridge. I grinned as I glanced around the cosy family room again.

“No, I’ll enjoy exploring. Part of the fun is discovering things for myself in places like this. Besides, I have a few things of my own that I’ve brought, so I’ll take my time and unpack before my girl, Daisy, gets here.”

It had felt like an age since I’d seen Daisy and yet it had only been weeks. But from my libido’s perspective it had felt like a whole lot longer. All week long I’d been counting down the minutes until I saw her again. After a whole year of not spending nearly as much time as I’d liked with her, I was done with the toing and froing, and mostly planning when I had to leave her before I’d even gotten to spend a minute of time with her.

I immediately warmed to the thought of what Daisy’s reaction would be when she saw the place. I had anticipated the look of wonder I’d seen in the past when she saw anything new. And how they looked the moment she saw me again after some time apart. Her eyes always glittered excitedly during those first moments when I held her in my arms again.

A short burst of adrenaline sent a bolt of pleasure streaking through my body with that thought and my heart raced. The feeling made me wonder whether there were even enough fresh linens in the whole resort to take care of what I had in mind for her. My dick stiffened at the thought of finally having her beneath me again.

“There’s a storage cabinet full of sheets and towels in the closet in the hallway and the dressing room of the sauna,” Kelsy informed me breaking into my thoughts and drawing me back to the moment. I’d forgotten about the indoor sauna the cabin had that was listed in the information and nodded.

“Then we won’t need anything from you unless we go out. Maybe I could text you if we do and you could shoot over here.”

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