Page 35 of Lucky Valentine

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Staggering into the bathroom, he sat me on the vanity unit and peeled my jacket off my shoulders and stripped it from my arms. He grinned. “That’s better,” he said, approvingly, as his palms slid back up my bare arms and moved them across my breasts, taking one in each hand. “I can still feel material,” he muttered, squeezing my boobs and reaching for the bottom of my tank top.

“Nu-huh, lose the jeans,” I ordered, reaching forward and undoing his zipper. Once we were both completely naked, he lifted me back onto him and carried me into the shower.

Chapter 18

“Babe.” Jamie’s arms tightened around me and he kissed the back of my neck as I stirred from sleep.

“Mm,” I hummed, sleepily. My eyes fluttered open and they shut again when I saw it was still dark.

“You’re awake.”

I turned around and snuggled into his chest. “Mm,” I uttered again as his hand slipped down to my arse.

“Good, ‘cause I can’t sleep.”

“Aren’t you exhausted,” I mumbled, stifling a yawn. He’d made love twice to me during the day and had performed a high-octane rock gig in the evening before another strenuous work out with me in the shower, despite his alcohol consumption, before we’d fallen into bed.

“Yeah, but I’m more restless than worn out,” he sighed. “I know I’m selfish waking you but guess I’m not ready for you to go home tonight.”

Sadness washed over me, invisible strings that tied his heart to mine, tugging it tight. I placed a hand on his cheek, stroked the soft stubble on his chin and nuzzled his neck. I felt him breathe me in, his face in my hair, and he kissed my head again.

“Fuck,” I’m sorry, I’m still a little drunk, I shouldn’t have woken you.”

I pushed him on his back and climbed up to straddle him. “I’m glad you did. The last thing I’d want is you lying here missing me and me right beside you, sleeping.”

“Ignore me, I’m still drunk. But I’ve just never felt chemistry like ours before. My body, heart, and mind feel light when I’m with you. Like everything about me is in sync for the first time. It’s like warm sunshine.” His tired voice sounded husky as his powerful hands smoothed tenderly up my thighs, around my arse, and settled on the base of my back. “I mean, I’ve felt lust… thought I was in love before; been infatuated by someone, but those feelings burned out as fast as they’d hit me with those people, you know?”

A pang of hurt speared my heart when I heard he’d had any of those feelings for other women, but after considering his honesty, I knew he was telling me he felt a combination of each of those emotions for me. I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips in a silent thank you for trusting what we had enough to express those personal thoughts. His hand immediately slid up my back and clamped possessively around my neck, holding my mouth against his as he deepened the kiss with his tongue and a thrill of desire shot through my veins.

Breaking the kiss, he smoothed my hair and tucked my head under his chin. “Come on, pity party over. I’m not sorry for waking you, because it let me steal a few precious minutes more with you but, I obviously drank more than I realized and the alcohol’s turned me into a wuss.” He chuckled. “Stretch out and lie on top of me, maybe then I’ll get some rest.” I did as he asked and lay the length of him, my legs sinking between his open ones as he lay on his back. Gradually, his breathing grew deeper and we must have fallen asleep together as I remembered nothing else.

I woke to the smell of freshly showered cool skin brushing the side of my face. Opening my eyes, my heartbeat bounced all over the place when I saw Jamie’s close, smiling face. “Wow, look at you sleeping beauty,” he remarked, flicking the duvet right down to my feet. “One thing I’m learning about you is that you’re not exactly a morning person.”

“What time is it?” I mumbled.

“Almost 08:00 a.m. I’ve ordered breakfast for us. It should be here soon.”

“Bejesus, what’s a girl got to do to get some sleep around here?” I mumbled and rolled away from him. Pulling my knees to my chest, I punched my pillow and stuck my arm underneath it.

“Wow, no wonder that pool guy in the Hamptons wasn’t in a hurry to finish up at Thanksgiving. Your ass is a work of art.”

“Your face will look like one too when I rearrange it if you don’t leave me alone to rest. They’ll have a Daisy O’Donnell original hanging in Le Louvre if you’re not careful.” I teased. Despite my tiredness, a smile crept onto my face.

“Ow.” A sudden sharp bite made me jump, my body darting across the bed when he sunk his teeth in my arse.

“Tastes every bit as good as it looks.”

“Was that ‘bit’ pun intended?”

Jamie climbed onto the bed behind me, his naked frame curling against mine like a second skin. It felt cool and silky smooth, save from the soft downy hair on his chest and all the other right places.

“Everything I do to you is intentional, baby. And believe me when I say my intentions toward you are mostly filled with desire.”

He immediately began peppering slow soft kisses across the nape of my neck and shoulders. I sighed. I could lie like this forever, I thought, until another jarring thought pulled me up sharp. I’ve got to leave him again today.

“Hello? Room service,” a sweet French female voice called out and Jamie dropped his head to my back in disappointment.

“Great, another cock blocker,” he muttered bitterly as he climbed backward off the bed. I chuckled as he pulled on his jeans and left the bedroom to tip the member of housekeeping.

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