Page 29 of Lucky Valentine

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Placing his hands around my waist, he turned me away, blocking my view of her with his body.

“No… not exactly… a thing,” he replied, and I immediately stiffened.

“Then what exactly were you, because if looks could kill, I’d have been dead from the moment I showed up with you tonight.”

“She’s a cousin of Ticker’s. I’ve taken her to a few events as my plus one when I’ve wanted to stave off some woman or another.”

“Is she one of your mistakes?” Instantly kicking myself for how jealous and hurt I sounded when I needed answers.

“A mistake if she thought we’d be more and judging from your reaction toward her I’d say something had led you to believe I’d slept with her. I’ve never so much as kissed the girl,” he sighed. “That’s a lie, I never willingly kissed her. She kissed me, but I broke it off. I thought we were friends. She obviously read the situation wrong and made a move that I shut down.”

“Hm,” I hummed, wondering why Bernie never warned me about her, but if she was Bernie’s friend first, I could almost understand her loyalty toward her.

“Did she say something to you?” Jamie asked, concerned.

“No, but she didn’t need to. The way she’s been glaring at me since I arrived this evening has made it abundantly clear she’s pissed at me for being here.”

“Then she’s going to be pissed off indefinitely because you my darling girl are going nowhere,” he replied, chuckling. “I can’t do much about her showing up at gigs, she’s Ticker’s cousin like I said, but if she causes you aggravation, I want you to tell me and I’ll take it up with her.”

“No, I don’t need you to fight my battles for me. All I want is the truth. If she creates an issue between us, I’ll deal with it myself.”

Jamie leaned in and pressed a kiss to my mouth. “I love the thought of you scrapping over me,” he muttered as he pulled back to look me in the eye. “I love how much you take my word when I explain a situation and how committed you are that nothing and no one is going to come between us, baby.”

“Well, I’m adept at reading liars enough to know when you’re telling me the truth. It would have been easier for you to deny that girl altogether without explaining where she fits in as a piece of a puzzle.”

“Guys, your fans are waiting if you want to get this over with?” Donna called out from somewhere in the room. Jamie turned with me, still holding my waist, and looked in the direction she’d spoken from. Kissing my forehead, he dropped his hold and began walking away, backward. “Half an hour and I’ll be back,” he promised before turning and falling in with the others as they left the room.

After he left, I mulled over what he’d told me and felt a renewed determination to suppress my insecurities, which had been a recent development to my self-esteem since Jamie had been my boyfriend. Instead of standing alone like a lemon, I visited the restroom.

Entering the cubicle, I closed the door, and sighed with relief for my moment alone. I chuckled when I remembered how I’d lost my panties and hovered over the seat. After doing my business, I straightened my clothing, flushed the loo and stepped out to wash my hands.

Delphine stood in my way with her arms folded, her ass resting on the wash basin as she chewed her bottom lip. She raised a brow when she saw me and shook her head slowly.

“You’re not welcome here,” she stated with an air of authority.

“Ah, funny, from what my boyfriend told me, I think he’d disagree.”

She scoffed, her eyes flitting the length of me before she uncrossed her arms and held on to the sink behind her.

“You’d be surprised by how many women, far prettier than you I might add, he’s spun that line to over the years.”

“Yeah, I can imagine, he’s a hot-blooded rock star, right? Pity you haven’t been one of them,” I retorted. When she winced, I knew I’d cut down by my scathing remark.

“You think? Is that what he told you? Have you any idea how many times he’s taken me to events?”

“No, I don’t. But he has me now, so you need to know when to give up.”

“Women like you come and go. I’ll still be around Jamie when you’ve long gone.”

“If that’s the case, then maybe you should just back off and wait for that day to come… that is, unless you feel threatened by my sister?” Belle cut in after stepping out of a cubicle at the far end.

“Sister?” Delphine asked, her face immediately puzzled, like she was trying to picture where she had seen Belle already.

“Yeah, Ryan’s girl?” she asked, “you know, Jamie’s nephew?”

Part of me wondered where the hell Belle had come from, the rest of me was thankful for her having my back.

“And just so as you’re aware, Jamie’s so smitten with our Daisy here. I’d think twice about upsetting her… if you want to stick around. I envision she’ll be a fixture in DistRoyed’s entourage for many years to come. Oh, and for future reference, jealousy isn’t a good look on you, it makes you look haggard. Come on, Daisy, Ryan’ll think I’ve fallen down the toilet or something.”

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