Page 24 of Lucky Valentine

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Jamie heard Bernie and called over to her. “Thanks for the offer, Bernie, but the management reserved a small section near the stage for you all to sit.”

Although Jamie did his best to make me feel included, his attention got pulled in all directions as members of the band crew came and went, and it wasn’t long before I felt like I was in the way. Slipping out of the dressing room, I strolled along the corridors until I found a set of fire doors. I pushed them out and found they led into the auditorium. Felix appeared at my side.

“Jamie sent me after you. Do you want me to show you where to sit?” I nodded. Stepping in front of me, he wandered up the side to a small section that was right next to the stage. “You’ll be safe anywhere here. Don’t worry, no one can get across to you, there’s a gap between this and the section adjacent.”

I thanked him and sat slowly as I marveled at the space below, which had already fille up with concert goers. As I glanced around, I saw Lottie waving up at me from below. I leaned over, told her to wait and asked Felix to bring her come up to me. He nodded as he left and a couple of minutes later, she appeared at the top of the section, grinning. She skipped down the stairs, slumped down in the seat next to mine, panting, and I guessed she had run all the way.

“Man, these seats are sick,” she boasted, looking smug at how close she was to the stage.

“How long have you been a fan of DistRoyed?” I asked as my eyes flitted to the doorway. More people from the band’s entourage filled in and sat down.

“Since they put out the first album,” she replied, stretching up and hovering over her seat, straining her neck when one of the guitar technicians carried two guitars onto the stage and placed them on guitar holders. “I try to see them as much as I can when they’re in Europe. Jamie…” she began and halted abruptly.

“Go on, its fine,” I encouraged, guessing immediately what she’d been about to say. Jamie was by far the most popular band member, and not just because of his striking good looks. “I’m a fan myself,” I added, leaving out that I was the lucky woman who got to take him home.

She smirked, flashing me a little awkward look, and then shrugged. “Jamie’s my dream man, he’s… so fucking hot when he plays his guitar… the man mesmerizes me.” She seemed hesitant for a moment. “You should know, I’ve never… I mean what you saw back at the hotel—”

“Yeah, he told me,” I stated, shutting her down because I knew being with Jamie would take showing a united front in public.

Her eyes widened. “And you believe him?”

She may have thought I was blind and that I’d believe whatever Jamie told me, but that wasn’t the case at all. I knew my boyfriend enough to feel if he lied to me, I’d know. After all, my previous boyfriend was a great liar, but I’d still figured him out.

“Of course, I trust Jamie.”

“Is he?” she sighed, and for a moment I thought she’d said something else and I’d missed it.

“Is he what”? I asked, glancing down at the pit at the side of the stage and seeing Ryan, Belle and middle-aged guy in an old band T-shirt standing beside the mixing board.

“A good man?” she asked, “he appeared protective of you yesterday, but you never know what these men are really like… I mean their lifestyle—”

“He is,” I remarked decisively. I grew suspicious because although the girl was a fan of the band and I’d invited her to the concert, she had the potential to sell what she knew to any gossip magazine.

She eyed me with the same suspicion she’d given me when she’d stood naked. “You don’t want to talk about him and you.” Lifting her backstage pass hanging around her neck to read it again, I realized it wasn’t a question, but answered it like it had been one, so I left her in no doubt.

“No,” I said firmly, “that’s not why you’re here. Jamie’s a great front man of DistRoyed, and what his fans get is the public face of the private man I know.”

“Yeah, I guessed so.” She shifted her eyes from me to the stage again and sighed. “I’m just going to get this out there. Your guy is an eleven out of ten. I’m jealous of you.” I considered her response and nodded, who was I to interfere with her honest statement, she had every right to feel jealous.

“I guess you won’t be the last with those feelings, but I’m impressed you’ve had the gall to say that to my face.”

Jamie peered through a half-open door in a dark corner close to the stage. He beckoned me to go to him. “Wait here. I’m just going to talk to my sister,” I lied, not wanting to draw attention to my man, waiting behind the door. I slid my body through the door, which was ajar, so as not to open it wider, and his warm hand slid under my top and curled around my waist.

“Come here, you,” he muttered, crushing his mouth to mine. My heart skipped a beat in response to his sudden passionate kiss. Pulling away, he groaned, adjusted his snug-fitting jeans and tugged me down a dark corridor.

We reached a sturdy metal door with bolts around the sides, and he pushed it hard. “Fuck, these fire doors are heavy,” he mumbled as he pushed it open and bright lights glared into the dark hallway.

“This is where we do the meet and greet after,” he told me, leading me into a hospitality room filled with huge couches and a long table with platters of food and drink. My eyes flitted to Bernie, who sat with the girl I’d seen her seek out in the dressing room when we had arrived. She was a stunning hipster girl with waist length dyed pink hair and wore a black and pink vintage dress with black patent Doc Martin boots. The way she stared unnerved me.

After pointing out the hospitality he took me back to their dressing room which was spartan in comparison to the one we’d just come from. There was no sign of the food in there, the only visible hospitality being a couple of bottles of mineral water, a jar of honey and a couple of lemons. He saw me eyeing the drinks and chuckled.

“These are to lubricate my throat.” he explained before I’d had the chance to ask.

He led me to one corner of the room and lay down on a bench type couch. Adjusting himself, he stretched out comfortably on it.

“Come lie here with me,” he demanded as Bernie and the girl came back into the room. “I just want to hold you close and chill out until the chaos and madness starts.” I felt a little odd about his request in front of a group of mostly strangers, but I did as he asked, and he curled my head into the crook of his neck. When I heard the contented sigh he let out it my awkward feelings dissipated and I no longer cared who was watching us.

After a minute or two, I opened my eyes and glanced toward Bernie. She smiled warmly, but her happy appearance soon fell from her face when the girl she was with leaned forward and whispered something into her ear. She turned toward her with a scowl on her face and I watched the heated exchange they had, but as I only saw her profile, I couldn’t make out what either of them said. However, when Bernie’s eyes darted back toward me my heart sank because intuition told me whatever the girl said; I sensed it was something negative regarding me.

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