Page 21 of Lucky Valentine

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For the first time in weeks, I fell asleep on my back and it appeared that I didn’t move, when I woke in the same position. I felt exhausted after the energetic session we’d shared. I turned my head to the side and Jamie immediately mimicked my move and stared into my eyes.

“Morning, gorgeous,” he murmured before turning onto his side and pulling me into his chest.

“Oh, God,” I groaned when every muscle I ached as I turned. I rested my head on his chest and the soothing sound of his steady heartbeat made me forget my pain. I basked in the warmth of his strong muscular arms and involuntarily inhaled his incredible scent. His hand cradled my head protectively and let out a sigh of contentment.

“Mm, back to that old habit, eh?” he said deadpan.

I stiffened, confused. “Habit?”

“Yeah, you just sniffed me again,” he mumbled, kissing me on the top of my head and began sifting his hands through my short hair.

I relaxed and smiled sleepily. “You shouldn’t smell so delicious.” I nuzzled further into his chest and inhaled him again.

“I reek of sex,” he said, chuckling, and sniffed the air. “In fact, the entire room does, smell it,” he encouraged.

“Ew, no stop it,” I ordered, gripped by a late attack of embarrassment. Jamie moved, rolling me to my back on the bed and settled between my legs.

“I love how you’re so ballsy most of the time, and every now and again you get all innocent on me. Never lose that, it’s adorable.”

“That’s not innocence, it’s trauma,” I complained, suddenly mortified when he reminded me how uninhibited I’d behaved during the night. I pulled his head down and buried my face in his neck. Jamie squeezed me tight with a chuckle before he loosened his hold.

Lifting his head, he shifted in the bed, still holding me, and checked the time. “Damn it’s almost 11:00 a.m. Do you want to eat? I want to stay here with you for most of the day, if that’s okay. We could have breakfast now and I thought we could eat a late lunch maybe around 3:00 p.m.? There will be finger foods in the green room for us during the gig, but there’s a meet and greet afterwards so it’ll be nearer to midnight by the time we eat a proper dinner.”

“Sounds good to me,” I said, hoping that meant I got to lie beside him for most of the day.

“I’ve set up some tourist stuff again for tomorrow, the Louvre, a short coach tour with the guys in the band, a few crew members and their significant others. Then we’ll have dinner before you fly home. Your flight back to Dublin isn’t until 6:00 p.m. yes?”

“Yeah, but I wish you were coming with me,” I said, pouting when I lifted my head and stared into his gorgeous blue eyes.

“You don’t know how much I want that. It’s going to kill me to watch you go,” he replied, sadly. “We have Berlin, Monday night, Madrid, Wednesday, Milan Thursday, and Warsaw, Friday and Saturday. But… and I was saving this as a surprise, however, I’m too excited… I’m coming to see you in Dublin for three days from next Sunday night until early Wednesday morning. We’ll have two full days at least.”

My wounded heart leaped from the thought of leaving to him coming to see me again. A huge grin of delight spread over my face. Six weeks apart had felt like an age, so knowing I’d see him again in a week renewed my hope we could do this.

Jamie’s cell rang, and he stretched out his hand to retrieve it. When he saw who was calling, he groaned, his body hardening with tension.

“What?” he asked, in a snippy tone. Listening for a few seconds, he sighed, looked down at me and drew in a deep breath. “Give us an hour,” he muttered, taking his arm from under my neck. Closing the call, he sat up, swung his legs off the bed and stood up. My eyes immediately became transfixed on his amazing glutes and muscular back. Damn.

“Ryan needs his credit card.”

“His credit card?” I repeated.

“Yeah, I asked him for it because he didn’t need to spend money in the hotel. I knew he’d feel odd about charging stuff, he’s actually very good like that, you know, likes his independence. Anyway, that was before I knew Belle was coming. He needs it to take her out. Apparently, he’s booked some sightseeing, but when he shows up, he has to show the credit card he’s paid with. The internet wouldn’t let him use his US debit card.”

“I’m glad they’re coming, I was hard on Belle yesterday, it’ll give me a chance to apologize.”

Jamie smiled, leaned over the bed, and kissed me softly. “That’s my girl. It’s their lives, we can’t let them affect us. If you want to grab a shower, I’ll order breakfast. We have an hour before they come to collect the card.”

Once clean and dressed, Jamie sprawled lazily on the sofa and ate fresh fruit croissants with butter and jam. Neither of us wanted much to eat, but the fresh orange juice went down a treat after all the wine I had drank at dinner the night before.

It was 12:00 p.m. on the dot when Ryan rang Jamie’s cell and Jamie instructed the concierge to let them up to the suite.

“Isn’t Paris insane?” Ryan asked excitedly when he breezed in through the door with my baby sister Belle in tow. They were holding hands, Belle’s eyes shining with delight. “Did you have a good night, last night?” he asked, glancing first toward me, then to his uncle. “Ah, that was a stupid question. What has it been six weeks? I’d say by the looks of you both you had a veeeery good night,” he remarked without waiting for a reply.

“That’s enough,” Jamie said in a flat tone, but couldn’t quite hide the smile on his face. “Did you two go out last night?” Jamie asked. I knew he was taking charge of the conversation in his effort to keep Ryan from embarrassing me.

“No, we just sat in the bar. You had my card, remember? I’m going to a cash point to get some Euros today, so that’ll help, although we only have part of a day tomorrow before we all ship out again.”

“Don’t withdraw too much, we’ll be flitting through those other countries, you won’t have time to spend it.”

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