Page 99 of Lucky Chance

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I was walking around the venue, intending to stop by Remi’s meditation for a few minutes, but her voice sucked me in. She vibrated with energy, her skin glowing while she led them through the exercise.

She was beautiful. And it wasn’t just how she looked, but it was her desire for others to feel the same peace she did when she engaged in meditation. She wanted everyone to experience that for themselves.

I was so proud of her. It was so much more than the fundraiser and the way it had brought the entire community together to recognize the needs of foster kids. It was her desire to bring awareness to all those she came in contact with.

She wanted to earn a living, but the real payoff for her was helping others feel healthier or more at peace.

I felt so lucky to be with her. I’d never believed in luck or fate, but I felt so good with Remi. So different than how I was before.

Would the novelty of loving her ever go away? Or was this my new normal? I concluded that my center was Remi. I needed her in my life.

There was a large crowd where a few Baltimore football players were leading a group of kids in a pickup game. Moving closer, I saw Corey listening to something Chase was telling him. Holding the ball over his shoulder as if he were going to pass, Chase demonstrated going down the field, pointing at various spaces, probably telling him how to read the defense and where to pass.

Reid Everson approached me, holding his hand out to shake. “Thanks for putting this on. It’s a great event.”

“Thanks for coming. Your demonstration seems to be the most popular.”

He smiled. “Everyone loves football.”

I was pretty sure it was the professional players who were drawing most of the people, but I didn’t point it out. Everything I’d heard about Reid was that he didn’t like the attention. Early in his career, he stayed out of the spotlight, but when the Baltimore team paired with the charity group Kids Speak, he publicly admitted he had a speech disorder. He became the spokesman for his wife’s charity and opened Rebel Sports to provide athletics to kids in the area. I knew it was a way to secure his future, but he was always looking for ways to be more involved in the community.

“How’s Corey doing?”

“Your girl, Remi, brought him over this morning, and we put him to work.”

I opened my mouth to ask if he caused any trouble, but thankfully held my tongue and went with, “He listened to you?”

He chuckled. “He did everything we asked. It could have been meeting us or the promise of a pick-up game, but he loves football.”

“I wonder if he’s ever played.”

“You would think he would have, growing up in Texas, but his mom was against it. He said she thinks it’s dangerous. I understand that fear, but there’s equipment to protect him, and—”

“Sports are so important for kids.”

“It’ll give him a sense of responsibility and purpose. I told him I’d talk to his parents if necessary.”

“That’s really nice of you.” Nice didn’t even begin to describe how amazing that was. What mom could refuse a professional football player’s urging to let her son play?

“I want to put her mind at ease, promise we’ll keep an eye on him.”

“You will?”

“I want him to play at Rebel. We’ll hook him up with everything he needs and keep an eye on him.”

“Would you be willing to email or call him from time to time? It might just be the motivation he needs. Someone treating him like he’s important. I’m not saying his parents don’t do that, but sometimes, as a teenager, you can feel alone when you’re not.”

“I’m happy to help. Kids like him are the reason I opened the sports center.”

We watched the kids play while Jonah and Chase occasionally stepped in to provide pointers or teach them about a rule.

Satisfied the event was running smoothly, I thanked Reid again and continued to make my rounds. Mid-afternoon, I stopped to grab a sandwich from Max’s booth, then discovered Remi’s parents and Delilah eating.

Stopping at their table, I asked, “Mind if I join you?”

Delilah smiled, moving over to give me room. “Not at all.”

“Great event,” Remi’s father said. “I’m really proud of Remi. There are so many people here. I bet she’s raised a lot of money for the kids.”

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