Page 105 of Lucky Chance

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He said the words with such conviction, I almost believed him.

“Ambulance just arrived. Let’s get her looked at,” Dexter said, his tone infused with authority.

Colton’s hand tightened on my hip.

“Colton, she needs medical attention.” Dexter must have sensed that Colton was reluctant to let me go.

Colton led me over to the back of the ambulance, handing me over to the medic, who immediately began firing questions at me.

“She hit her head. Take it easy,” Colton said.

The medic arched a brow at him, then Dexter.

Colton must be acting differently than he would if I were just another victim. He didn’t like seeing me hurt.

Colton stepped back a couple of feet, and Dexter said something to him. I wondered what it was. The medic probed my head, then my ribs, telling Colton and Dexter they wanted me to be seen at the hospital.

Knowing I needed to find out if I had a concussion and broken ribs, I agreed.

They helped me into the back of the ambulance.

Colton stepped inside. “I can’t go with you. I have to finish up here first.”

“I know. Do your job,” I said, lying back on the stretcher.

I didn’t want Colton to get in trouble with his boss, not when he was so close to getting the promotion he wanted.

He looked torn. “I’ll come as soon as I can.”

“I’ll call a friend to stay with me. Don’t worry.”

I wished he’d kiss me, but he didn’t. He was working. He wasn’t my boyfriend right now, no matter how much I needed him to be.

He nodded, then hopped out of the ambulance and was gone.

I focused on what the medic was doing so I wouldn’t break down. I wasn’t sure why I was so weepy all of a sudden. It was over. I was safe.

At the hospital, I didn’t get a chance to reach out to anyone, and my head hurt too much to focus on my phone.

I was seen by a nurse, then a doctor, who ordered scans of my head and ribs. Then there was more waiting.

When the doctor finally came back in, my stomach was rumbling. “You have a mild concussion and two broken ribs. We’ll wrap them, and then you can go home. Take it easy for a few days. No lifting. Do you have someone who can stay with you?”

“I can stay with my parents.”

“Good. The nurse will wrap your ribs, and you’ll need to wait for your discharge paperwork. Then you can go.”

The doctor left, and the nurse wrapped my ribs, then gave me some over-the-counter pain medication. I didn’t want to take anything too strong since I hadn’t called anyone to pick me up yet.

I closed my eyes, intending to rest for a minute, and must have dozed off.

“She’s in here.” The male voice filtered through my awareness.

I fought against opening my eyes. The pain was dull, and I was so tired.

“Remi.” When I didn’t respond right away, my shoulder shook.

“Colton?” Sitting up, I grabbed my side, wincing.

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