Page 78 of Resist You

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“Let me fill you in on where we are now, Betty, because what happens next will be up to you. Like we’ve both said, Tricia has been working through a lot of trauma from that time in her life. However, a turn of events has made this matter more pressing after something Marnie told us at your home the other day. You see, sometimes people think if they can control events, they can avert catastrophes.”

“That’s what I did for Patty, her life would have been horrible as a teenage mom.”

“You’ll have your turn in a moment, Betty, I’m nearly finished. What I wanted to tell you is from my personal experience in such matters. Controlling people are the most dangerous kind, because no matter how clever they think they have been, the truth eventually finds its way home. All actions have consequences and those that are historic in nature are generally the ones that carry the messiest outcomes. For example, think of a rolling snowball at the top of a snow-covered mountain, the longer it rolls the bigger it gets. I fear in this case that’s exactly what has occurred for all of you, thanks to Franco’s innocent DNA test. You see, although Franco hasn’t found the elusive relatives he seeks, when Marnie supported her husband by having a DNA test herself, hers turned up an unexpected find. Are you aware Marnie has been contacted by her maternal niece? Let me clarify that again for you, Betty, a girl has contacted Marnie who is a match, and we think that girl is Tricia’s daughter—your granddaughter.”

Betty covered her face with her hands, and in an unexpected move she cried. Tricia rushed over and comforted her. In my opinion she was the last person who should have offered Betty support. Grabbing some tissues, I passed them to Tricia, who wiped her mom’s tear-filled eyes. It was a sight I couldn’t bear to watch because the compassion Tricia had shown her made my whole body feel tight in anger. To me it was Tricia’s life that should have mattered and even in such a difficult confrontation, Betty had still stolen the limelight.

“Is there something else you’d like to say, Tricia?” She shook her head and I turned my attention back to her mom.

“It’s your turn now,” I prompted Betty. I knew I sounded cold-hearted in view of the old woman’s tears. I had meant to sound that way. I had hoped my sharp tone would have prompted a breakthrough moment from her emotional state, perhaps a genuine realization and acknowledgement for the pain Tricia had suffered.

“What is Lester going to say?” Betty’s effort to protect their family name at the expense of Tricia’s mental health and reputation had been on the verge of imploding. Yet her focus continued to be directed toward someone else at the expense of Tricia. Despite witnessing that reaction, Tricia’s bravery and misplaced loyalty still shone through when she showed her mom grace when she cried. In my view, Betty had deserved none of that kindness Tricia showed her.

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