Page 65 of Resist You

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“We’ve got it covered, but thanks. And I’ll work on her about her relationship with Brynn.”

“We’d appreciate that, but now that we understand, we can help on our end too,” he confirmed in support, and gave me a side hug as we sat side by side while he drove the boat. “I had no idea you were going through all of this. You must be worried about her.”

“I am, but I love her… and she loves me back.” I grinned at my awkward explanation and he chuckled. “We’ve had an emotional time this past few months while she’s been coming to grips with her feelings, but I’m confident her shrink is doing her good. He’s opened her mind to the possibility that as a minor she wasn’t in a position of power. That lies with her mom, and to be honest, we haven’t visited them since we’ve gotten together because Tricia couldn’t face her since she’s been in therapy.”

“Fuck, that’s a potentially explosive situation when she does confront her.”

“Agreed, and I’ve suggested using the penthouse in the city for them to hash it all out… I mean it worked for us,” I confirmed, eyeing him cautiously, when I reminded him of us talking through what had happened between Charlotte and me.

“It did, our mom was wise to suggest it.” Nodding, he turned the boat to the right and their house came into sight in the distance. “Let me know if there’s anything we can do. You know we’re here for you guys… it does explain one thing though… my wife and I have been speculating as to why you haven’t proposed to her. We see how you are together.”

I snickered. “Actually, I was going to ask her today, but like the rest of my life there’s always something fucking with my mojo and getting in the way.”

“You bought a ring?” Sawyer asked, his eyes wide with excitement as his mood instantly changed from the brooding look he’d been wearing, when he grinned.

“Might have,” I teased.

“You have it with you?”

“I may have it tucked in a corner of my sports bag somewhere, but…” I shrugged, not convinced my timing right.

“If you want it, do it. If she wants it, she’ll say yes… my gut says she’ll say yes,” he added, chuckling. “You could use the kids as emotional blackmail,” Sawyer teased, wagging his eyebrows.

“Thanks for the offer, but that implies I’ll need it,” I laughed with him.

“Need what?” Billie asked, stepping up from the stairs between the corner seating where I was spread out and plonked herself in the co-pilot’s seat next to her husband.

“For someone with a button for a nose you are a real nosey Nellie,” Sawyer teased.

“And? Research has shown nosey people are bright,” she replied, turning her head to look at me and winked.

“Where is this research?” Sawyer asked, chuckling.

“On the internet,” she replied smugly.

“Who wrote the paper?” Sawyer asked, trying to contain his laugh.

“Someone,” she replied, shrugging and he pulled her in for a hug.

“All right that’s my cue to go rescue my woman from the clutches of your little people.” As I headed back to Tricia, I’d already decided the time wasn’t right to ask her to marry me because when I did, I reckoned she deserved a day where nothing was less than perfect.

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