Page 33 of Dare Me

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“Different how. Both Logan and James cheated, yet, you make it sound as if what Logan did was less offensive than your brother. You say you’re willing to help my ex-husband redeem himself for the sake of his family, but I’m not allowed to do the same for James with his? For you?”

Standing abruptly, she stepped out the water, grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around her. “If there’s this one thing we can’t get on the same page with, perhaps there are others. I may be reserved and a little shy, and I don’t have the confidence perhaps a large family brings, but that doesn’t mean my voice doesn’t count or I can’t connect the dots. I’ve been here already Sawyer and I’m not going backward.”

“Backward with what? The way I see it, this is my choice. You can’t force me to talk to my brother,” I replied, standing and climbing out of the water as well.

“I won’t, but isn’t that what you did when you took charge of Logan? Forced him to do what you wanted, for our sakes?”

“You would rather I’d left him to die in some motel room?” I was furious with her reasoning and from my point of view the circumstances were hardly the same. With her hand on the bathroom door, she stared me down.

“Of course not, but I sold my house to give you control. How much trust do you think that took? You figured out what was best for everyone and asked for my contribution, when it was almost a done deal. You told me your solution, but I felt so desperate for Colby I didn't argue.”

“I was just trying…”

“Like I am, Sawyer, like I am.” Heaving in a sharp breath she blew it out slowly. “Look, I am very grateful for what you did for us, but you made decisions on my behalf with the best of intentions. I haven’t told you to do this, but I’m asking you to consider the benefits of having a brother you are on speaking terms with, instead of allowing Charlotte to destroy the relationship you might have going forward.”

“What he did eats me up in here,” I said, stabbing my chest with my middle finger.

“Forever is a long time to stay angry, Sawyer. You said it yourself, you and James were never close, but you are both grown men now. What happened was awful, but you need to find a semblance of peace in all of it, or it will continue to come between you and your family. Since the new year everyone is back on speaking terms with James, and you still haven’t gotten the full story from him. You promised to listen over two months ago now.”

Before I could respond any further, Billie left me standing, went out and banged the door.

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