Page 14 of Dare Me

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The apartment was unique in that it had a rooftop terrace and open loggia with a firepit and a warm water Jacuzzi, but the feature I loved the most was a calming rain effect waterfall, which cascaded into the narrow forty-foot long endurance pool. It broke up the indoor and outdoor spaces by the way of a large thick window. From either side it gave the effect of an optical illusion and the apartment was my favorite of all the properties in my father’s portfolio.

The day dragged endlessly as I stared at the clock, which hadn’t appeared to move from one hour to the next nearly as fast as it usually did, and by 4:35 p.m. I was antsy. Arriving at her work ten minutes early, I parked outside and was surprised when I saw someone waving through her office block window. It took me a minute before I realized the woman knew me, it was Tricia, Billie’s friend I’d met a couple of times.

Seconds later, Billie’s head bobbed up at the window, looked out at me and disappeared again. I felt excited for that brief glimpse of her and my heart sped up just knowing she was on her way. Twenty seconds later, she came out of the elevator on the ground floor and my heartbeat faster.

As her car was near the entrance, she waved and continued toward it. Aiming her car fob, she popped the trunk and dropped a sport bag inside. It was then I noticed she was dressed in gym gear, but still wearing her stiletto heels. I smirked wickedly, because who knew tight-fitting yoga pants and five-inch office heels could make me hard in an instant.

After stowing everything away, she pulled out a black padded raincoat and pulled it on as she walked toward me, a large grin on her face. My heart stuttered in my chest when her gorgeous smiling blue eyes met mine. She’s so beautiful.

“Hey, you,” she murmured, sliding her arms around my waist as I leaned against my bike.

“I missed you so much today,” she muttered, as she rose up on her tiptoes and kissed me. Wrapping my arms tightly around her waist in return, I pulled her flush against me.

“I brought you some clothes,” I said, thinking what she wore looked much better. “Where did you get the outfit? I strongly approve,” I murmured, smiling against her lips.

She chuckled. “You’re hard, Mr. Wild,” she mumbled, leaned back to glance up at me and angled her pelvic bone harder into my erection. “I had these in the trunk, and I thought it would buy us some time if I changed.”

“And the shoes?” I asked, playfully.

She frowned. “I know epic fail, huh? I wore my sneakers into the house and forgot to put them back in my bag,” she replied with a chuckle.

“Great mistake, I like these much better,” I murmured again pressing my lips to hers and grabbed a fistful of her hair.

Breaking the kiss before it got deeper, she pushed me back and patted my cock through my jeans. “Better talk yourself down or you’ll have a job riding on that thing,” she said, nodding toward the padded seat of my motorcycle. The wicked smile and wink that followed her words almost did me in.

“And you’re horny, Ms. Collier.” A low growl of need tore from my throat as I swiftly lifted her up, one hand under her knees the other supporting her back. Turning I set her down astride my bike. “Best I plant your ass on my ride before I rip those yoga pants off and take my pleasure right here.”

“Is sex all you think about?” she asked, settling her ass more comfortably on the seat as I placed the spare helmet on her head.

“Of course not. Let’s see, I think of oily massages, foods … yeah, I have a thing for tastes and wonder what would taste good on you. I think how good your perky tits look in those schoolmarm wool sweaters you wear in the winter, plenty of other things,” I joked with a chuckle.

“What am I going to do with you?” she said in a mom kind of tone, which I couldn’t resist.

“Anything you want but if you’re stuck for ideas, I have a whole spank bank full of them up here,” I replied and tapped my temple. I chuckled because I’d teased her again and saw how my answer shocked her. As her jaw gaped, I flipped down the visor of her helmet and leaned closer. “Let’s get going before I do something here to get you fired.”

As soon as I sat astride the seat, Billie’s arms wrapped tightly around me and I immediately felt centered. I’d had a fair number of girls ride behind me before, but never one who anticipated the curves in the road or melded perfectly to me like Billie did.

It took far less time to get to the city on the bike than by car and I was glad the first time she saw my father’s place was in the evening. I always thought it felt a little magical when I stood on the terrace, and Billie stood in awe as she stared down at the street below.

“Oh, my, goodness, this place is incredible,” she stated, her beautiful blue eyes glinting with wonder as the city lights reflected in them. “How come the Empire State Building looks closer from here than it did when I stood beneath it?

“Perspective I guess, we’re looking across at it instead of taking in the vastness of the height. I love the view from here. It’s the only property of my father’s I feel attached to, outside of our family home, and mine down in Margate,” I added, eyeing the warm glow of the firepit already lit and burning brightly. The luxury patio furniture placed carefully around it.

“How the other half lives,” she muttered, walking slowly along the bank of windows that showed New York City at night in all its glory, with her hands shoved deep in her padded jacket.

“I appreciate not everyone gets to experience what we had growing up as kids, Billie. I know the value of money. It can be a burden as much as a privilege at times, but when I used to come up to a gig at Madison Square Garden with my buddies, we had the luxury of staying here overnight.”

“And your parents didn’t mind you bringing a group of boys back here?”

“Of course not. We were all brought up to respect the people and property around us. This place is soundproof and the only stipulations my father put in place were that I didn’t take them out on the loggia or terrace, and no one did drugs.”

“Have you ever taken drugs?” she asked pointedly, her eyes narrowing like she’d only thought to challenge me on this now, and I noticed the quiet hysteria in her tone.

“Nope. Not my bag. I used to get pretty drunk in the early days, but I stayed away from weed, pills, and the hard stuff.”

“Yet you tolerate Hammer and Wiggy’s drug abuse?”

“Addiction’s an illness and those who go down that road always think they can handle their shit until they can’t. Hammer’s a good guy with a tough past and I have a lot of time for him. I’m not a fool, he’ll always be a recovering addict because there are no guarantees in this life, but at four years clean he’s making it, and he’s a loyal friend to have. As for Wiggy, he’s definitely not the guy we once knew. His parents are new money, coarse, brash, and difficult people who constantly belittled him. Consequently, he has zero respect for himself. It’s hard to change the mindset of a guy like that.”

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