Page 9 of Dare You

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One, two, three beats passed before he tapped my bone lightly, regaining my attention. It had felt like a silent code between us as if to say, Stay with me on this.

Anxiety mixed with pleasure slowly gave way to desire, which seeped into every cell I possessed. Revenge was at the forefront of my mind and I lied to myself that it was the only reason I would allow Sawyer this liberty with me.

I had expected Logan to interject and cause a scene or something, but that isn't what happened as Sawyer moved closer, brought his mouth to my ear, and his warm breath ghosted over it. My damaged heart pounded in my chest like a virgin teen experiencing her first intimate touch from her sweetheart.

"Nothing like seeing your better half seduced by another man to put things into perspective," he murmured seductively in a low raspy tone only I could hear. His words created instant shivers of need that ripped down my spine.

My knees ached from squeezing them together as his suggestive intent fell from his hot heavy breath and made contact with my skin.

"Mmm, you smell delicious," Sawyer muttered, loud enough for Logan to hear. He inhaled deeply, and I wondered what the hell I was doing and thought for a moment how desperate I must be to allow a stranger to explore my body this way.

Yet, Logan was right there, and Sawyer's seduction felt so amazing I couldn't find the will to move a muscle to stop him. I never wanted him to stop.

Closing the space between us, he pressed his soft, wet lips against my neck and one beat later I was covered in goosebumps while another pool of desire flushed between my thighs. "Damn you taste good, Billie," he muttered aloud, not caring who heard him.

Hearing my name on his lips with such a seductive tone, no matter that he was a virtual stranger, had me enthralled. I blamed the wine, my desperation for payback, and Logan's sudden appearance as my reasons for allowing the ludicrous scene to get as far as it had, but the reality was Sawyer made me feel desired no matter how false the situation.

I closed my eyes for a second, too confused to react and too willing to accept Sawyer's touch, and when I opened them again, I blinked, my breath catching in my throat with the look of heat and desire staring back at me from the beautiful man in front of me.

Noticing my reaction, Sawyer smiled warmly as want danced in his eyes. "Is he still there?" he whispered conspiratorially, his small ragged breath dispersing over my lips.

Smiling awkwardly, as the spell he'd caught me in was momentarily broken, I nodded. "Keep looking at me," he ordered in a murmur. His demand hadn't been necessary, as I had no desire to look anywhere else.

"Staring right at us," I whispered back, my mouth barely moved but my voice had sounded thick with anticipation. Up until then, I'd thought Logan would leave and Sawyer would pull away and sit back in his seat.

A sense of pending disappointment shot through me at the thought of this happening. Do you want to kiss a stranger? This stranger? You're not going to let this nonsense continue, are you? One look at Sawyer and my heart leaped again. Fuck if I won't. Logan was only a few feet away from me and for the first time since he'd left me, I didn't care what he thought.

"Trust me, Billie. This is your chance to show him what he's lost. Tell me you dare me because if I kiss you, I guarantee you'll sucker punch that asshole right in the dick." Cradling my face in his hands he held my full attention again. "Say it," he said, his mouth hovering so close to mine his breath became my air.

"Say what?" I whispered back, my brow creased tight because my brain was in meltdown, and I had almost convinced myself I had lost the plot.

"Dare you."

"Dare you?" I asked as I tried to absorb what he'd said what I'd heard myself say even. Sawyer and I were strangers, yet he had shown more consideration for my feelings in the previous few minutes than the man I had married ever had. In doing so, he had also made my heart race in a way I'd forgotten it could.

I knew it had probably never crossed Logan's mind I'd start dating another man, but what held me back was I hadn't kissed another man since I'd first kissed Logan.

Time appeared to stand still as I gathered my scattered emotions, and I knew I had this one chance to show Logan—once and for all—I had moved past him.

"I'm not in the habit of kissing strangers," I muttered back, my mouth defying the guts I wished I had to say the words he wanted from me because I'd never wanted any kiss so badly in my whole damn life.

"Everyone's a stranger until you kiss them. It's only afterward you decide whether you want to know more of them," Sawyer replied, with a serious challenge in his voice.

Another heartbeat later I heard myself say, "Dare you," in a tiny whisper, changing my mind a second before I saw Logan step up beside us, my want to feel Sawyer's lips—if only the one time—and my need to get even with Logan had overridden all of my reservations.

When I made the slightest inclination toward his head, Sawyer immediately closed the gap, his lips brushing mine, as he threaded his fingers back into my hair and stared into my eyes as he began to kiss me.

His lips felt tentative and tender against mine at first, but my heart thundered in my chest as blood rushed through my ears drowning out every other sound in the wine bar.

Pressing his probing tongue to my reluctant lips, it demanded entry and swept forcefully inside in exploration when they parted.

A grunt of pleasure fell from his throat joining the echoing "Oh," from mine, the smallest sound of desire I hadn't been able to stem as our kiss grew greedier between us. Flames of passion soared through my veins in my need for the intimacy of any kind, as I lost some inhibition and kissed him back with equal passion.

Grabbing his tie, I pulled him closer. The simple taste of him wasn't enough. In return, he groaned, his hand pressing firmer on the back of my head, taking the kiss deeper and deeper until I lost all sense of where I was and what we were doing.

Breaking the kiss, Sawyer exhaled raggedly, a little breathless from almost getting carried away. I felt confused when I looked back at him because he appeared almost as affected by our kiss as I was.

"Mmm," he muttered and brushed his nose against mine, his eyes full of lust and a look of regret on his face. Dropping his hands from me, he pushed back in his seat and the same disappointment that had been registering in my chest was there in his eyes as well. Oh, he's good … very good. I stared back at him, not fully believing what we had done.

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