Page 40 of Dare You

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"Come on, Billie. Don't make me come over there."

I chuckled. "We went to the diner, as he said."


"And then we went home."


"Yeah, he went his way and I went mine."


"I swear it's the truth."

"There must have been something in between. Did he kiss you?"

"Last night?" I knew I was being difficult, but it felt fun to tease her nosey butt.

"No, three weeks last Wednesday. Of course last night! Tell me he kissed you."

"No, we didn't kiss last night."

"Are you fucking kidding me? I had him pegged for the kind of guy who would pull you into a doorway and fuck your brains out."

"Nope, not that kind of guy either." Although, when I thought back to earlier that day, I'd felt at one point as if my brain was melting.

"Jeez, Billie, throw me a bone here."

"A bone?" I asked, repeating what she said but wanting to add an 'R' to the word. Then my mind flitted back to how incredible Sawyer had looked naked, all tightly packed muscles and sinew, his erection standing proud. "All right. Everything I said about last night was true. Everything about today though … that was a completely different story altogether."

"You saw him today? Breakfast? Lunch? Come on, I want details."

"I agreed to spend the day with him, and he doesn't appear to be tolerating my hang-up about the age gap."

"Good. I get it. Your shitty ex-husband shattered your confidence, but if this guy is into you, it's his decision. It isn't as if he's going in blind. He knows what's gone down in the past and that you have a kid, and if none of that's putting him off, it shouldn't affect you either."

I sighed. "I know, but I already really like him. It's just—"

"Different, better, fantastic, amazing. Whatever word was in your mind, scratch it out and replace it with one of those. I know you think this is easy to say for me, since I have never been married, but come on, Billie, give me some credit. We've all had our hearts broken by some asshole at some time in our lives. You're just a late bloomer in that department."

Hearing how confident she was boosted mine. "You're right. Besides, I had a good time today."

"A good time?"

"All right, an amazing time. No, it was incredible. Damn, life sure passed me by with Logan. Being with Sawyer today …" I stopped because I wasn't sure how to describe it, and I certainly hadn't wanted to mention his wealth and such. "It was a day of doing ordinary things, but with the right person. Am I making sense?"

"Absolutely. You could go on the most amazing trip with the wrong people and hate it. Or you could spend a day doing the little things but feel like you've had the time of your life."

"Exactly, and there's where I'm at."

"But you came home without him."

"I did. No matter how carried away I had gotten when I was with him, I still felt the need for some breathing space to absorb everything that had gone on and also to digest how I feel now."

"That makes sense, but don't overdo it. That mind of yours needs to stay positive now. You've made a decision that works for you. In all the time I've known you, Billie, I've always thought there was a tiger inside that pussy cat outer shell."

"Glad you said, tiger and not a cougar."

"Fuck, there you go again. You're Billie Collier, the hot new singleton in town, not Billie geriatric."

"All right, I won't mention my age concerning anything again. Happy?"

Satisfied with my concession, Tricia ended the call and I felt drained. I showered leisurely as I thought through my day, and by the time I fell into bed, I went out like a light.

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