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I’d barely made it to my door when I heard footsteps behind me on the stairs. I whirled around and Michael was standing there a few steps below me looking up.

“I decided I wasn’t ready to say good night yet. Will you let me come in for a minute?”

I stepped back reluctantly to let him pass, and he smiled as he stepped past me—then suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. My room was small, but I had to admit, it was messy. Maybe a lot worse than that. I was probably only a few bags of trash away from a health department intervention.

The unmade bed sat in the corner, mocking me with its messy sheets, and littered with books, cereal boxes, and dirty dishes.

And even worse. My beloved old scruffy teddy bear was lying amid the tumbled sheets.

I hurried over as casually as I could, grabbed the blanket, and threw it over the incriminating items, my heart pounding in alarm.

God, what if he’d seen that? How would I explain? What could I possibly say? This was an experienced Dom. Had he seen my private things? And if he did, then did he suspect? What would he think if he knew the truth? Would he expose me? Laugh? Drag all my secrets out into the light of day?

Yeah, I was paranoid as hell, but I couldn’t help it. I’d never had much reason not to be.

“Sorry. I know it’s a little messy,” I said, hovering near the bed and hoping he wouldn’t look at it again.

“This passed messy a long time ago, honey. I feel like I need a Hazmat suit. Good Lord, how can you live like this?”

“Well,” I said, ashamed and lying through my teeth, “I don’t spend much time here.”

“It’s a good thing, or else you might get a visit from the Health Department.”

“Is that a thing? They come door to door now?”

I crossed my arms and glared at him, even though I had been thinking the same thing a minute ago.

“Sorry. It’s not my place to comment, but… I wanted us to have a chance to talk more, and I don’t think I can concentrate with all this going on.” He glanced around the room like he was waiting for a mouse to suddenly dart by—which may not have been totally out of the question, come to think of it. I shuffled my feet, feeling mortified.

“Come home with me tonight. My place is not too far from here and it’s not all that late yet. We can talk and maybe I could order something in, if you’re hungry. We can watch an old movie and eat pizza. I have a guest bedroom you could stay in if it gets late, or I’ll bring you back home. Whatever you want.” He took my hand in his. “Please don’t say no.”

He was melting me like Dorothy did the witch in Wizard of Oz, right into a puddle on the floor.

“But what do you want with someone like me? You were right about me the first time, you know. I’m not a sub, and I know that’s what you’d want.”

“Let me be the judge of what I want. When you went inside your building, I realized I’m not ready to let you go yet.”

His eyes were so big and warm as they looked into mine. “Come home with me. Please? We can just sit on the couch and watch old movies if you like. I really want to get to know you better.”

I felt damn butterflies in my stomach. How could he think he could just bounce back into my life this way and take it over? I resented it. I hated it, and he was presumptuous to even ask.

I felt like I’d die if I didn’t go with him.

I looked up into his beautiful face and thought about my plans for the evening, which had been to wind down by lying in bed with my bear, Fozzy, aka The Fozz, and watch Frozen on the Disney channel. I had intended to put on my Olaf sleep shorts I’d ordered off Amazon and literally just do nothing until I fell asleep. And because this had been a hell of a night, I might even have sucked my thumb. I was still shaken up, and it was the best way I knew to cope with stress after a bad night. But that was my secret life and never to be shared or discovered by anyone else. It was fantasy and never to be mixed up with the real world. I think it would have killed me if Michael had found out.

So, I looked him straight in the eyes, squared my shoulders and said, “Okay. Yes, I’ll go home with you.”

Chapter Eight

We got to his condo, and it was gorgeous, like I knew it would be. Located on N. Ft. Lauderdale Beach, his was one of the less expensive ones in the area and still cost probably a few million or more.

We took an elevator to his condo, which overlooked the ocean, and he took me inside. It was gorgeous and sleek and luxurious, full of modern furniture, mostly in black, with pale gray walls and gorgeous white trim to set it off.

There were large paintings on the walls in vibrant colors, and soft golden lamplight everywhere, which made the room look cozy, even though it was huge. The kitchen, which I could see from the main room, was sleek and modern, with appliances hidden away behind cabinet doors and the most beautiful waterfall granite countertops I’d ever seen—and I watched the Home and Garden channel religiously. They were white, but with a large gray grain swirling dramatically all through them. The matching backsplash went all the way to the ceiling.

He asked what I wanted to drink. “Nothing for me, thanks.”


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