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I always find it funny that they use “we” when talking about the baby.

“Nope, I already know, but we want to wait until the birth to confirm.”

The nurse laughs at Chandler’s confidence, squirts the cold gel onto my stomach, and starts moving the wand around and clicking away at the machine.

“Okay, well, I can already see what you’re having so if you change your minds, let me know; in the meantime, there is your baby’s sweet face.”

Chandler moves closer to my side and takes my hand in his as we stare at our baby. I love these appointments. Seeing the profile of our baby growing inside of me. It’s such a wonder to see.

I can’t take my eyes off of the black and white picture of the little life that Chandler and I created, and it makes me think of when I was pregnant with Sophia. How different this time is. I feel Chandler’s thumb rub the back of my hand, and I can’t keep the smile off my face.

“That’s our baby.” He whispers next to my ear, and I shiver at the feeling.

“That’s our baby.”

I turn to the nurse for my next question.

“Are we going to be able to take a sonogram picture home today? We have an anxious big sister at home who is collecting picture of the baby.”

“Oh, that’s so sweet. Of course, I’ll even give you two so you can keep one as well.”

We all laugh, and she finishes up the scan and hands me a towel to clean up my stomach. Chandler takes it from her and gently cleans me before fixing my clothes and helping me sit up.

“Alright, everything is all set. The doctor will be in to see you in just a moment to see if you have any questions.”

She smiles at us, then leaves the room with the machine. As soon as the door is shut, Chandler leans over and kisses me, taking my breath away.

“What has gotten into you?”

I’m out of breath when he pulls away.

“I’m just happy. I love ultrasound days.”

I laugh at his boyish excitement and pick up the pictures the nurse gave us.

“Can you believe we are already halfway there? In just a few short months we are going to have a newborn.”

We stare at the sonogram in wonder, Chandler’s hand in its usual spot on my stomach until the doctor comes in.

“Hello, how is everything with mom and baby?”

We go over everything with the doctor, and she tells us that everything looks great with the baby and his or her growth. Chandler asks question after question about what I should be doing and not doing, just like he does every appointment, and I love that he is so invested. She answers all of his questions and never seems to be frustrated with him, for which I’m grateful.

She gives baby and me a clean bill of health and sends us on our way. By the time we make it home, it’s time to pick Sophia up from school, so Chandler parks the car at home, and we walk to the school the same way that Sophia and I have been since she started school. I love the fact that Chandler understands our love for Willow Creek. Not once has he seemed to hate it here or want to go back to the city. He understands that Sophia needs to stay here for school, with the friends and teachers that she has grown up with. He has become very invested in the community here and is even involved in the PTA.

It’s a great source of amusement for me to watch him being fawned over by all the mothers. His involvement in Sophia’s school is where I got the idea for my new project.

A week after I told Chandler I got my memories back, he tried to convince me that I didn’t have to keep working at the café. Now that I remembered my life before the accident, I know that I held a bachelor’s degree in psychology. I hadn’t been working at the time of the accident, and Chandler wanted me to go back to that. He wanted to take care of us and didn’t want me to have to worry about that stuff. I told him that I wanted to work and that I would stay at the café but only work part-time during the school year and take time off in the summers so that I could be home with Sophia and the baby.

I want to do more, though. I love how our life is, and I love that I have the choice to stay home with the kids. It will make things easier during the summers when Sophia doesn’t have school, but I also don’t want to just lay around the house all day. There wouldn’t even be anything for me to clean when we stayed at the penthouse; Chandler had Lisa and a cleaning crew that came once a week.

While we wait for the school bell to ring to release the kids for the day, I decide that now is the best time to talk to Chandler about my idea.

“I want to run an idea by you.”

He turns to face me and gives me his undivided attention. Having his eyes on me so fully stills makes me flustered, and I have to shake myself to focus again. I don’t miss the smirk on his lips when I do so. I roll my eyes at him and clear my throat.

“I was thinking that since I won’t be working during the summers that I could get into charity work.”

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