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The week passed too slowly for me, but I’m glad it’s finally Friday and I can do absolutely nothing for the next two days. My schedule has been packed lately, and I need some time off before I burn out. I learned my lesson early on when I started my company and worked nonstop. It took a while for me to pull myself out of that rut, and I promised myself I would never get to that point again.

I hit the intercom button on my desk phone that connects me with my assistant.

“Jillian, will you come in here and bring the schedule?”

I release the button and wait for her reply.

A beep sounds just before her voice comes through. “Of course, I’ll be right there.”

I start collecting all of my things to take home with me while I wait for Jillian to come in. I want to get out of here as soon as we are done going over the schedule for the next week. She breezes in and smiles at me as she takes a seat across from me, and I can’t help but smile back. Jillian has worked for me for six years, and she’s the best assistant I’ve ever had. She is like a little sister to me, and I’m grateful that she continues to work for me.

“Do you want to go over everything that you have for the next week or are you wanting to shuffle things around?”

“List off what I have for next week. I’ve lost track of who needs what and when.”

With my things packed and ready to go, I sit in my chair and rub tiredly at my face. I drop my hand and look over to Jillian and see that she is giving me a reproachful look.


She raises one eyebrow at me.

“You’re overworking again. Have you been sleeping at all?”

I smile innocently at her, and she simply rolls her eyes.

“I’m fine, it’s just been a long week. Let’s go over this so I can get home and sleep.”

She looks down at her tablet in her lap and taps at the screen a few times until she has the schedule in front of her.

“The beginning of the week is pretty clear. You have one meeting Monday afternoon, then you are pretty busy Thursday and Friday with quite a few meetings both days. Marketing is going to be ready to present Friday afternoon as well, so we’ll have to fit them in somewhere.”

She pauses as she scrolls through her notes and calendar, and I wait for her to finish.

“That looks to be about it for next week. Don’t forget that you already RSVPed to the charity gala tomorrow at Willow Creek Memorial. Do you want to drive down or take the helicopter?”

I groan and slump down in my chair.

“I did forget about that. I’ll take the copter. I don’t want to have to waste most of the day to get ready and drive an hour there. Plus, I’m going to want to drink.”

She nods and starts tapping away at the tablet again. I’m assuming to make plans for the helicopter to be ready for me to use. There is always someone on standby to get my private jet or helicopter ready for me to take on a moment’s notice.

“Alright, done. They will have the helicopter ready at four. Do you want me to get you a suite at the local hotel so you can get ready there?”

The gala doesn’t start until eight, and I’ll probably wait until nine to go. The later I go, the less time I will have to spend there mingling with people.

“Yeah, go ahead and see what they have available. Book whatever you can find on short notice; I don’t care what it is. Send me the information then go home. I’m getting out of here.”

She nods her head but doesn’t bother to look up at me when I stand. I chuckle to myself, she’s as bad as I am at working too much.

I need to make sure she gets another raise.

I grab my bookbag with all my things and swing it over my shoulder as I leave the office. I know I don’t have to worry about leaving her in my office on her own. She’s too absorbed in doing her job to even think about doing anything. She’s also the most loyal employee I’ve ever had.

Steven is waiting for me out front of the Bishop Enterprise building, and once he sees me, he opens the back door for me.

“Good afternoon, Steven. I’m not going to need you tomorrow. I’ll be taking the copter to Willow Creek, so you’ll have the night off.”

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