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“Something that you can wear a bathing suit under.”

So we will be in the water at some point.

I have no idea what to expect; I don’t know what kind of things we can do here besides going to the beach.

It’s the first time I’ve been excited to celebrate my birthday in years.

I quickly search through my luggage to find something to wear. I find my dark green bikini and a matching sundress to wear over it before going to take a quick shower. Luckily, my hair won’t need much attention, and since we will be in the water at some point today, I only apply some mascara and am ready in less than twenty minutes.

Chandler is sitting on the bed when I come out of the bathroom. He’s dressed in a pair of swim trunks and a short sleeve button up shirt. His eyes trace over the length of my body and his eyes darken.

“Beautiful as ever. You ready to go?”

“Yep, what are we doing first?”

He stands from the bed and walks over to stand in front of me.

“First, we are getting breakfast. We need to keep our energy up for the rest of the day.”

Chandler was not kidding when he said he had planned a full day for us. We called Sophia while we were at breakfast, and it made me feel better about leaving her with Kayla. She told us all about what they’ve already done and informed me that she had a surprise for me when we got home.

The rest of the day was amazing. We saw so many beautiful things. The different color fish and reef while we were snorkeling; the friendly local people as we walked around the city. It was a once in a life time experience, and I loved every moment of it. My cheeks were hurting from smiling so much. It’s a beautiful place, surrounded by so much life and the blue water as a captivating background.

The only issue I’ve had is the constant waves of nausea that I’ve been having along with dizzy spells. I haven’t said anything to Chandler about feeling ill. I don’t want to worry him or ruin this perfect day.

He’s disappeared somewhere after telling me to wait for him. Moving seems to help ease the nausea, so I’m walking around and window shopping while I wait for him. A store that kind of looks like a drug store catches my attention, and I enter it to see if I can find something to help.

I grab a ginger ale, some crackers, and I search for something that I can take to make the constant sick feel fade. I turn down one of the aisles and freeze. As soon as I see the pregnancy tests, it hits me what is going on with me. I know just by seeing them.

I’m pregnant.

We’ve been sleeping together for over a month now. It could have happened at any time.

I quickly walk over and grab two different brands off the self and rush to the checkout to buy everything before Chandler comes back. I have no idea how I’m going to handle this. Fortunately, I’m the only person at the counter, and I’m able to get out quickly, and just as I’m stepping out of the store, I see Chandler looking around for me.

“Hey, over here.”

He turns at my voice, and when he smiles at me, I try to smile back but my face feels off.

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, I just needed a drink.”

He studies me for a moment, and I make sure to keep my face neutral so he doesn’t ask any more questions. I don’t want to tell him until I am absolutely sure that I’m carrying another one of his children.

Sophia is going to be so happy to be a big sister.

The last of the plans that Chandler has for the day include going to a nice dinner before going back home to have a nice night swim. I’m distracted all throughout dinner. The tests are burning a hole in my bag, and all I want to do is go back to the villa and take them.

When we finally get back to the villa, Chandler is all ready to go swimming, and I have to tell him I need a moment so I can sneak off to the bathroom and take the tests. I can’t wait until after we are done with our swim. I need to know now.

I grab my purse and rush into the bathroom while Chandler is distracted with a phone call. I don’t remember doing this the first time, with Sophia. When I found out about her, it was in the hospital, from the staff. I had already been farther along than I probably am now.

I read each of the boxes slowly and carefully before taking each test out and laying them on the counter. My hands are shaking so bad that I have to take a few deep breaths to calm myself. Once the shaking stops, I pick up one of the tests and sit on the toilet to take them.

Once done, I set them back on the counter and set a timer on my phone to wait. I pace back and forth in front of the sink and wait. Luckily, they both take the same amount of time, so once the alarm goes off, I can look at them both.

I watch the timer tick down, and it feels way longer than two minutes. My mind is spinning with all kinds of different scenarios as I wait.

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