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“You don’t have that deep of an insight into my life, Damien. There is a lot you don’t know.”

This only causes Damien’s smirk to deepen. Ignoring Chandler, he turns back to face me and reaches into his pocket for something. He holds out a white card for me to take.

“Call me when you get bored with this one.”

The fact that he is doing this in front of Chandler and our daughter makes me sick. I don’t move to take the card, and Damien just smiles wider as he puts it back in his pocket.

“Understandable, I’ll just leave you with my name to look up later then, Damien Hawthorne.”

He smiles at each of us, winking at Soph before he turns and walks back the way he came.

“What a creep.”

Chandler is fuming next to me, almost shaking with his anger. I reach over and place my hand on his arm to get his attention.

“I don’t know what’s going on between you two but ignore him. He just wants to get under your skin.”

He gives me a tense nod and motions for Sophia to lead the way again to more of the art. He’s quiet for the rest of the time we are there, and after an hour of him brooding, I suggest we leave when I see Sophia yawn.

“I think we’ve seen everything here, let’s just go home.”

Chandler relaxes at my words and smiles for the first time since Damien Hawthorne showed himself.

“Good idea.”

He picks Sophia up and settles her on his hip before taking my hand and leading us out the front doors and straight to where Steven has the car parked across the street. He doesn’t slow for the paparazzi and doesn’t stop until we are at the car. He waits for Soph and I to get in before climbing in after us. Steven takes off without a word, and for the first time today, I relax fully.

No one talks on the way back home, and Sophia falls asleep just before we pull into the garage. Her head is slumped over, leaning against Chandler’s arm. I watch the two of them as he stares down at her, stroking her hair out of her face, there’s so much love and wonder on his face. It’s a sight to see someone else who loves her as much as I do.

Steven pulls into the garage, and Chandler doesn’t even hesitate to pick up Sophia to carry her up to the apartment. She stirs a little at the movement, and he just softly shushes her back to sleep. I can’t take my eyes off of them and how much they look alike, not only do they have the same eye color, but the shape is the same too, both shaped like almonds. They both have straight noses and one sweet dimple on their left cheeks. I sneakily take my phone out of my purse and snap a picture. Chandler must see because he gives me a look that says he saw what I did, and I just smile sweetly at him.

Once the doors of the elevator open, I walk ahead of him to unlock the apartment and guide him through the dark place, moving toys and clothes out of his way and opening Soph’s bedroom door for him. He lays her in bed, and I take over getting her changed into her pj’s and tucking her in. Chandler leans against the door frame and waits for me, smiling when I turn to walk out of the room. We make our way to the living room, and I find that I don’t want him to leave.

“Do you want a drink?”


I pour us both a glass of wine, and we settle onto the couch. He lets out a long sigh, and I can see how tired he is.

“You really don’t like that Damien guy, do you?”

He groans at the mention of Damien.

“No, he’s a pain in my ass and is constantly trying to steal my clients. It’s worse now that he’s set his eye on you. He knows it will drive me crazy.”

I don’t know if it’s from the wine or having him so close, but for some reason, I have the urge to tease him.

“I don’t know; he is pretty attractive. Maybe he was just being nice.”

His head snaps in my direction, and I have to work to keep from laughing.

“Don’t even think about saying anything else. I can’t even wrap my head around you finding him attractive.”

I shrug one of my shoulders.

“I’m just saying. He’s a good-looking businessman; he could get anyone he wants.”

Chandler sits forward and places his wine glass on the coffee table before turning to me and yanking me over so that I’m pressed into his chest.

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