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When we get outside, Chandler’s driver is waiting for us by a SUV. We all climb in, and the whole ride to the art gallery I feel like my chest is being squeezed tight by an invisible force. It’s hard to breathe, and I’m thankful that Chandler and Sophia are too busy talking to each other to notice my panic.

I have no idea what is going to happen, but I do know this night could change everything; there’s no way it won’t.



We are about a block away from the art gallery when Chandler turns to me.

“You should know there is going to be paparazzi tonight. We should only have to deal with them outside of the gallery and there will be security there to keep them back, but I wanted you to know so that you aren’t surprised.”

I shift in my seat, uncomfortable with the thought of people taking my and Sophia’s pictures like that. My mind flashes back to the pictures of Chandler and me that I found on my Google search.

“I don’t know if I’m comfortable with that. Sophia is so young; I don’t want her to be scared.”

He waves a hand through the air.

“It will be fine. I’ll be there with you guys. Besides, having her first exposure to the paps in this environment is better than us being ambushed in the street, right?”

I don’t like the way he is blowing off my concern; I’m not some child who is acting out, but before I can say anything, Steven pulls the car up to the curb in front of the gallery. I still want to tell Chandler off for being so flippant about my worries, but my stomach fills with butterflies as I see all the people with cameras lining each side of a makeshift walkway, and I have to take a deep breath.

“Alright, ladies, are you ready?”

Chandler smiles at us as someone opens the door for Chandler, he gets out and holds his hand out for Sophia to take, and I follow close behind her, ready for her if she needs me. There are people packed together on either side of the walkway and bright flashes of light are blinding us every few seconds. I can hear people yelling, trying to get the attention of whoever is on the walkway. It’s more intense than I could have ever thought. The people are pushing and shoving each other to try and get a picture, and as they spot Chandler, they start yelling his name and shouting questions. Sophia takes Chandler’s hand, and for a moment, I think she’s going to handle the flashing camera lights and people yelling okay, but then someone shoves a mic in her face, and she gets shy. I place my hands on her shoulders and pull her back against me, ready to rip the reporter a new one, but Chandler steps between us and directs the reporter’s focus to himself.

I kneel in front of Sophia. “You okay, sweet pea?”

She shrugs her shoulder and my heart breaks for her.

“Come here.”

She steps into my arms immediately, and I try to think of a way that I can pick her up while wearing this dress and heels. It’s a skin tight red dress that reminds me of the dream I had the other night. The one where Chandler and I slept together.

“I’ve got her.”

Chandler turns away from the blushing blonde bimbo reporter and turns Sophia to face him so he can lift her into his arms. She buries her face into his neck and hides the rest of the way into the gallery. I make sure I hide it, but inside I’m fuming. At the reporter for scaring my child, then flirting with Chandler, and at Chandler for blowing off my concern and putting us in this situation to begin with. I want to say something to him, but I know now isn’t the time.

We are inside the building now, and I follow behind Chandler as he makes his way over to the hostess to grab the information on what is here tonight for sale.

“Hello and welcome! Here is a list of all the items that are for sale tonight for the charity and their prices. There are pieces from many artists from all over the city, and you can find information on them on the pamphlets that are next to each of their works.”

She hands Chandler a piece of paper, and I can’t help but notice that her eyes are glued to him and her smile is awfully bright. My mood darkens when I realize that I will most likely have to deal with this kind of behavior all night, women flirting with Chandler. Can’t she see that he’s holding a child? It’s like Sophia is invisible to her.

I clear my throat and step up next to him, placing my hand on the arm that is holding our daughter with and smile at the woman.

“Thank you so much, we’ll be sure to check those out.”

I turn to Chandler and Sophia and make sure the hostess hears me when I speak to Sophia.

“Sweetheart, do you want to come with Mommy to the restroom or do you want to stay with Daddy?”

Soph turns her face to peek out at me and softly says, “Stay with Daddy.”

I nod and rub her back, my heart giving a little jolt at the fact that he is making her feel safe after what happened outside.

“Okay, I’m going to run to the restroom real fast, and then I will catch up with you two.”

When I look up at Chandler, he is smirking at me and his eyes are dark. He’s been giving me this look a lot lately, and every time I see it, my stomach fills with heat. I don’t want to admit it, but I like it when he looks at me that way.

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