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I sit up straight.

“What do you mean come back home?”

He pauses mid-sentence and looks at me with a wary expression.

“Well, now that you know who you are and where you come from, I figured you would want to go back home. To where you belong.”

Everything is getting to be too much, and it’s getting hard to breathe. I frantically search around the room, the tables and chairs seem closer than ever, and the walls feel like they are slowly closing in on me. I take a deep breath to try and calm myself before speaking.

“Listen, I appreciate you approaching me and telling me who I am, but I’m not leaving with you. I still don’t know who you are. This is my home. This is where I’ve raised my daughter, and it’s all either of us know. For all I know, you could be lying. I’m not leaving. You can’t force to me leave.”

I’m feeling panicked, and I can’t be around him. I never thought I would end this day with my entire past being held out to me on a platter.

He looks irritated, and I prepare myself for an argument.

“Don’t you want to try and get your memories back? Being where you belong is the best way for that to happen.”

Anger surges through me, and I stand.

“I’ve given up on expecting them to come back; it’s been nine years, and I’ve built a life here. I’m not leaving just because you think I belong with you. I belong here, now I need to go pick up my daughter.”

I spin on my heel and rush out the door. The truth is I don’t know if I even want my memories to come back. I don’t know if I want to know who I was. I never thought I would have to choose to get them back or not.



I meet up with Kayla and Sophia at a nearby park; there are kids running around and screaming with excitement and joy, and I struggle to find Sophia. As soon as Kayla sees me, I can tell that she already knows that something is wrong. Her smile drops from her face, and her eyebrows come together in a look of concern. I plop down on to the bench she has claimed for herself and let out a long sigh as I watch Sophia running and laughing with other kids her age.

“Tough day at work?”

I give a pointed look at Sophia, and then look back at Kayla.

“I’ll explain later. You aren’t going to believe what happened. All I can say is that it involves your new friend from last night.”

Kayla’s eyebrows raise in interest.

“The unbelievably good-looking one that couldn’t keep his eyes off of you?”

I roll my eyes at her, but before I can reply, Sophia spots me.


I smile at her as she runs and jumps into my arms.

“Hey, baby girl. Did you have fun with Aunt Kayla today?”

She nods excitedly.

“Do we have to leave now? I don’t want to go yet.”

Kayla and I laugh at her pouty look.

“No, you can keep playing; Aunt Kayla and I will sit here and talk.”

She smiles widely at me, then runs off to play with the group of kids that are waiting for her.

I let out a tired sigh and lean back on the bench. This day has turned into one that I never saw coming. How do I even come to terms with all that has happened? I know Kayla is going to freak out just as much as I did. I can feel myself ready to blurt everything out to her.

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