Page 61 of Her Healing Touch

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Hannah turned to the guy and got into a stance.

The guy turned the gun on her and grabbed her around the neck. “No ideas, sweetie.”

Red spots danced in Jason’s vision. “You hurt her, and I’ll kill you.” His voice oozed with venom as adrenaline coursed through his veins.

“Right.” The guy laughed. “Aren’t you the one that has touch issues? This girl must be something special to you.”

Hannah flinched as the guy rubbed the barrel up the side of her face.

“S-stop it,” Jason choked out.

The guy laughed, and the sound echoed through the room, chilling Jason to the bone. Somehow, he needed to distract the guy. In his peripheral, his instructor edged closer, and when the guy didn’t notice, Jason stepped closer too.

Even if there were police in the area, it wouldn’t help. His mission was crystal clear. Protect Hannah. Take the guy down.

Jason took a step closer to the guy as he shifted his grip on Hannah and held her with his gun hand while he searched the jeans with the other. Hannah, who could take care of business had gone completely pale. He tried not to look at her, too worried it would spook him. He needed a distraction.

“My wallet... I don’t have much, but if you need it—”

“I don’t need your charity,” the guy spat, letting go of Hannah and shaking the gun at him instead. “Don’t think you’re better than me.”

Hannah still didn’t move. Why wasn’t she reacting?

“You don’t want to do this.” Jason raised his hands slowly and took another step closer. “Just take my money and go.” He stilled as the guy dug in the front pocket of his jeans. “There’s nothing in—”

The guy pulled out the ring box and grinned. “Holding out on me, are you?”

“Have it. It’s nothing.” Jason didn’t dare look at Hannah, but hopefully, she had missed the entire interaction. Who cares? There’s a gun pointed at you!

The guy pocketed the box and continued to dig through Jason’s jeans with his back turned.

Sabum turned and nodded at him, and in that moment, Jason didn’t hesitate.

His heart pounded as he ran the rest of the way and pushed the intruder down to the floor. The gun skidded across the floor.


Jason’s eyes narrowed as he knelt on the guy’s back to keep him down, then pinned his arms behind his back.

“Get off of me,” the guy said, his face smooshed into the gym floor. “Sabum! A little help.”

“Sabum? You know him?” Jason looked behind him and saw Hannah and his instructor talking, heads together. “What’s going on?”

Hannah knelt next to Jason and pulled his hands away from the guy. “It’s okay, Jason.”

Adrenaline was still pumping through his body. “What’s going on?”

She continued to pull him back, and eventually, she pulled Jason off the man completely. Then she helped Jason to his feet.

“What are you doing?”

Sabum picked up the gun, which had slid over by his feet. And then he pulled the trigger.

Jason winced just as the gun clicked.

“No bullet,” Sabum said. “A simulation that... would speed things up. And I’d say it worked.”

He looked over at Hannah, who was smiling. “You did this?” he asked.

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