Page 54 of Her Healing Touch

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He dropped his hands and nodded once. “Of course.”

“Great. Then tomorrow, we will begin Operation Kiss Me.”



When Jason’s alarm went off Saturday morning, he nearly fell off the bed. “Stupid clock,” he mumbled, grabbing the sheet for balance. Instead of sleep, he’d spent the night thinking about kissing Hannah. The first time had been horrific. They were finally in a good place in their relationship, but a bad experiment would more than likely involve deep emotions that might steamroll their new beginnings.

Despite his hesitancy, he had to get past the barrier. He was a man, after all, one with desires and feelings, and he had felt just as much of that desire as he had seen in Hannah’s eyes. He wanted to kiss her, for that touch to be as normal and wonderful as hugging her was. He was sure that after practice—lots of it, hopefully—it would not only stop bothering him but would also be something he looked forward to.

With that bit of hope, he hurried into the bathroom to wash up. He wasn’t sure what Hannah had planned, but he wanted to look decent... and smell nice.

His nerves jumped as he moved from task to task, from shaving to brushing his teeth. When the doorbell rang right on time, he nearly jumped out of his skin.

It didn’t help that Hannah looked ridiculously cute in jeans and a sweatshirt. “Morning,” she said brightly, holding out of a plateful of citrus-flavored macarons.

His stomach growled. He had purposely skipped breakfast, not wanting food to upset his stomach even more. Knowing exactly how good the cookies would be, helped his appetite return. He reached out for the plate, but she snuck it behind her back.

“Nah-ah-ah! Those will be earned.”

He dropped his head and gave a dramatic sigh to let her know he was teasing. “I guess if I have to earn a reward, that’s the best one.”

She moved the plate in front of her again and leaned forward, tugging on the side of his shirt with both hands. “We could always start your lessons early, though, if you want a sneak peek. Or peck.”

His attention moved from the plate of cookies to her lips and back to the cookies. He wasn’t sure which one was more tempting. Wait! Yes, he did. The cookies, of course. Her lips were daggers. He closed his eyes. Not daggers. He didn’t want their experiment to fail so early just because of negative thinking.

He opened his eyes and saw the softness in hers, the kind smile she wore, the way she tugged at the tail of his shirt. Desire grew in his chest, but there was also hesitation and worry.

“I can see what a dilemma this is,” she said, lowering her arm. “Don’t worry. We’ll work up to it.”

He raised a brow, wondering for the tenth time in the last few hours exactly how she would pull off such a task. “What did you have in mind?” he stammered.

“Similar tactics like we’ve already used. Counting in your head after contact has helped.”

“Yeah, but we haven’t tried it with kissing.”

“That’s true, but we can’t know how it will go until we try. Do you still want to do this?”

His gaze dropped to her lips, and he nodded. If nothing else, she deserved it.

She reached for his hand with her free one. “Today is going to be great.”

Compassion, combined with her confident smile, gave him a boost of hope. Together, they would figure it out.

She glanced around the room and sighed. “Your house is so put together.”

“And yours should be too, right?” He poked her side and smiled to let her know he was joking. He was almost positive it was back to its chaotic mess.

Her mouth twitched. “Let’s move on. I think we’d better set up in the front room.”

“What are we setting up for?”

“Practice.” She led him back into the front room. It was a smaller sitting room with a love seat and couch, but that was all.

She set the plate on the far cushion of the couch and took his hand. “Where should we sit?” she asked.

He led her to the other side of the couch, and together they sat down. Immediately, she turned her knees into his leg.

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