Page 50 of Her Healing Touch

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“Thank you,” she croaked. Even at her worst, she was beautiful.

“Feel better. Tomorrow we can eat lunch together... and then talk.”

Her face seemed to pale, even from far away. “Right, I’ll be ready. Not that I have much of a choice.”

“What do you mean?” he asked, stepping closer.

“Nothing. Bye. Thank you.” She picked up the soup and shrank behind the door again.

He headed back down her driveway with only a peek behind him. He could’ve sworn a curtain moved in the front room, but maybe it had been her bird. He shuddered, still remembering its tiny claws attaching to his shirt. By the end of their time together, he’d gotten used to it, but he’d still avoided the bird. Now he would do anything to see that bird again, if it meant he could be inside with Hannah. He felt a stab of disappointment that she hadn’t invited him in, but what sick person would want to share their germs?

No, he could wait until the next day. He’d make sure to bring treats for their lunch break and flowers to arrange on her desk. He smiled at the thought, sure it would cheer her up.

The next morning, he was pulled into several meetings before he could even stop by his office. When he finally did make over to Hannah’s to peek in, the light was off. Brandy was looking his way. “Did Hannah call in sick again?” he asked.

She shook her head. “She’s been in there since she arrived an hour ago. She hasn’t come out, even to help with the copy machine. I think she doesn’t want anyone to get sick.”

Brandy looked at the office and then back at him. “Maybe you should set up camp out here. I don’t want you to get whatever she has.”

His lips twitched. “It’ll be fine.”

As she continued to protest, he grabbed the door handle and pulled it open.

There she sat, as if it were a normal day, clicking away on her computer. Except, the light was off and her screen was so dim that he could barely see the words.

“Are you having a migraine? Do you want me to keep the light off?”

She spun away and scooted closer to her desk. “Uh, it’s okay. I’m sure it’s not good for it to be off. I just didn’t want anyone bothering me.”

After flicking on the light, he eased out a slow breath as he came around the table and studied her. Dark circles were underneath her eyes, but that was the only sign there was anything wrong. “You look better,” he lied.

She frowned as she looked down at her hands. “Right? My students even noticed.” At least she had her voice back. Hannah looked at him, really looked at him, for the first time. “I missed you.”

Warmth filled him from head to toe. “I missed you too. I was worried.”

She smiled for the first time. “The soup was yummy.”

He smiled. “I’m glad. I also brought a treat for lunch, something I know you’ll like.” His stomach growled, and he glanced at his watch. “Have you eaten yet? I haven’t taken a break, and I have a window of time before another meeting.”

Her smile disappeared. “I guess it’s better to get it all done with, and then we can make a decision of what to do.”

“About what?”

“Nothing.” She grabbed something under her desk and looked around. “Can we stay here and eat?”

He glanced around the tiny office. They wouldn’t even be able to sit next to each other. “How about our spot? It’s a sunny day, today, and we could walk on the busy side of the street when we’re done and window shop.”

“I’d rather not.”

He sat down with a sigh. It was the closest they could be together without raising suspicion since the office still didn’t know about their relationship. “Something’s wrong, isn’t it?”

She dropped her head, unable to meet his eyes.

So, he was right. “Is it me? Did I do something again?”

She lifted her head and met his eye. “Not at all. I just know you’re going to break things off, and I’m—”

“What? No, I’m not.”

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