Page 26 of Her Healing Touch

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“But it can fly,” she countered, “much faster than a cheetah can run.”

“One hundred and eighty-six miles an hour,” he read out loud. “That’s crazy. I learn all kinds of new things with you.”

She smiled brightly. “There’s one thing I don’t know a ton about.”

“What’s that,” he said, biting back a smile. He was positive she knew a little about everything.

“I don’t know much about your family. Actually, I don’t think I know anything. Do you have any siblings?”

He bit into his sandwich. He hated talking about his family unless extended family was included. “Nope, only child.”

“Me too,” Hannah said. “I always wanted a younger sibling, but I think my parents had had enough after me.”

“Same here,” he said, catching her gaze.

The more time they spent together, the more he realized how alike they were, in all the right ways. At first, he was sure their opposite touch sensitivities would clash, but he was pleasantly surprised things had developed so well. He thought of his conversation with Brandy earlier the previous week. Finding common ground with someone didn’t mean anything.

“What about your parents?” he asked. “Are you close to them?”

“Not very much. They call to check up on me, but I’m practically on my own,” Hannah said. “My parents moved away after I finished high school and didn’t invite me to come along. Rude, huh?”

Another similarity.

“What about yours?” she asked.

“You and I are in similar situations. I’m close to my grandpa, but in my own family, I feel very much like an outsider.”

Hannah looked over at him and squeezed his arm, surprising him. “I like Rueben a lot. I’ll miss him when he finally decides to retire. Has he announced a date yet?”

He shook his head and tried not to think about her hand on his arm and how he missed the feeling. His fingers itched to be touched again. She wouldn’t mind, he knew, but would she think more of the gesture? He pushed away his worry, thinking of how she touched anyone she talked to.

Slowly, he slid his hand down her arm until he could squeeze her fingers for just a moment. Then he brought her hand up to his arm.

“Well, aren’t you two the cutest.”

They had circled the block and were in front of the clinic again. He immediately stepped away, but stubbornly, Hannah didn’t drop her arm.

“Hi, Brandy,” Hannah called. “Lovely day for a walk, huh?”

“It appears so.” She smiled and sent him a wink. “Have a great time, you two.”

Brandy went back inside, as if her whole purpose had been to come out and spy on him.

“She’s really sweet, kind of like the mother I never had.”

“She’s definitely nosy like a mom.”

Hannah scrunched up her nose. “What’s wrong?”

He shook his head and kept walking, putting the clinic behind him. “Nothing.”

“Don’t do that,” Hannah said. “You seem bothered. Talk to me.”

He sighed. “It’s just something Brandy said.”

“Okay,” Hannah said, drawing out the word.

He sighed. “It’s silly. She just said that the two of us got along really well.”

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