Page 25 of Her Healing Touch

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For the first time ever, Jason enjoyed being at work. Breaking the touch barrier with Hannah had made all the difference, and even though he worried over the long-term consequences of pushing himself too quickly, he felt himself slowly changing.

For the next few days and weeks, he no longer ate in his car, away from the bustle of the office, during his lunch breaks. Instead, he allowed Hannah to drag him to what was becoming their spot. Occasionally, they brought spades and other gardening tools to clear the area and clean up the overgrowth. On the weekends, she even talked him into bringing a weedwhacker and taking down the overgrown bushes. Other times, they just sat and listened to the sounds around them. And when she was feeling too restless to sit, they took a walk around the block. He saw buildings, signs, and houses that he’d never noticed but had been around their office for years.

And for the first time in his life, he had a friend, someone to share his many musings with, from trivial to deep thoughts he’d kept inside for years. Most of the time, he kept things light, but whenever they walked the dogs together, something he’d grown to love, their conversations were always enlightening and passionate—books, movies, failed relationships, struggles with unsupportive family members, and whatever else came to mind. There was nothing they couldn’t find common ground on.

At work the following Tuesday, he raced to grab their lunches while Hannah stopped to talk to Michelle. It had become their little routine. She got in chat time with the receptionist girls, and he got a moment to breathe alone in the office.

On the way to the stairs, Brandy blocked his office doorway. “Eating lunch again?”

He straightened his tie. “Yeah, I’ve been going outside lately.”

“I’ve noticed. I think it’s cute... the two of you getting to know each other more.”

“We’re just... friends.” Yes, that’s all they were, and it was nothing to be ashamed of.

Brandy winked at him and gave him a knowing smile. “If you say so, honey. I’m just here for the show. Go about your business.”

Hannah ran up the stairs and joined him at his side. “Ready to go?”

Brandy raised an eyebrow as if to say, See?

He shook off the implication and started for the stairs. “Yes, let’s get going.”

Hannah barely kept up with him. “Whoa, are we in a hurry?”

“No, I just—” He looked back at the office building, as if Brandy or someone else he knew was watching over them. “Let’s go on a walk today while we eat.”

“Okay,” she said, confused. “But we’ve almost pulled all the weeds in our little spot. And I have all the gardening stuff in my car.”

He held back a smile. “The next time you’re in the office, we’ll work on it during break.”

“Okay, but promise me.” She held out her pinky.

He stared it for a few seconds before linking his pinky with hers. Warmth traveled up his wrist and arm. “I feel childish doing this.”

She laughed. “Who says adults should grow out of childish things? We’re really just big kids exploring the world but with more money, more responsibility, and more health issues. I think that deserves some fun.”

He laughed. “I guess you’re right.”

She took her lunch from him. “Of course I am. Do you know what the fastest animal in the world is?”

He was used to Hannah’s constant change in conversation. It made it impossible to dwell on certain thoughts, which actually matched his wants perfectly.

“It’s the cheetah, right?”

Hannah glanced over at him and smiled. “Nope.”

“What? Yes it is. My fifth-grade teacher said so.”

She poked him in the arm. “Look it up. It’s actually the peregrine falcon.”

“What? No way.” He pulled out his phone and looked it up using an internet search. His eyes skimmed his screen, and in the first three results, he found his answer. The peregrine falcon was indeed the fastest animal in the world.

“A bird can’t run,” Jason said, more to himself.

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