Page 22 of Her Healing Touch

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She could’ve easily caught up to him, but she gave him plenty of space. And before they got to the park, she whistled again and gave him another breather.

“Thanks,” he said when she explained her trick.

“I wish they’d stay still for longer, but you start to appreciate the ten seconds they give you.”

“You do this every day?”

She shook her head. “No, just on my PE days. I’m already sweaty and in workout clothes. Well, I guess that’s changed now that I work in your office, but usually I wear my yoga clothes all day.”

He wiped the sweat from his brow and held his stomach with his other hand. “You’re amazing.”

She opened her mouth in surprise. “Thanks.”

“I mean, to have the energy you have to do all the things you do in a day—it’s amazing.”

She nodded. Of course, he hadn’t meant it any other way.

“Want me to take a turn?”

He inclined his head toward her hand elevated above her head. “I don’t think you’re quite ready. Plus, I think I’m doing all right.”

“You are. I’m surprised. I worried you wouldn’t be able to keep up, but something inside you must want to run.”

“I always wanted to run track in high school.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“Just . . . didn’t want to be around people.”

“That’s too bad. You’re awesome.”

His eyes locked with hers, and she shivered as warmth spread from her head to her toes. “Thank you, Jason.”

The dogs were up and moving again. It was another few minutes before they were allowed to rest. Once they made it to the park, they unleashed the two dogs and the dogs took to the green grass, rolling around like they’d never felt it.

Hannah pulled a Frisbee out of her backpack, and the two dogs were on their feet. She sent it spinning away with her good hand and sat back to rest.

“They have so much energy.” He wiped at a line of sweat as it ran across his forehead. Doing so drenched his arm. Bad idea.

“I know it was a lot to ask, but thanks for going with me. I feel bad that they have to be locked inside all day, but they’re really great dogs for Jack and Annie. They’re rescue dogs and have become a big part of their family.”

“Do they pay you much to walk them?”

“Pay me? Ah, no. This is something I’ve done for years. Whenever they have a few extra dollars, they force me to take them, but I do it as a service.”

He studied her. “That’s incredible, what you do for them.”

“I have a selfish reason. I get a high from helping others, and it helps me release my pent-up energy.” She grabbed the Frisbee when Snaps brought it to her and flung it away again.

“Can you tell me more about being a seeker?”

She raised a brow. “I’m surprised you remember, after all the excitement.”

He shrugged. “Not something you hear every day.”

“Well, I guess I’ve always been a little overactive. Like I said, it drove my parents and every other adult who was responsible for me a little crazy. I think that’s why my parents keep their distance. I can be a little overwhelming.”

“I don’t think you are,” he said softly.

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