Page 69 of Something New

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He nodded and ran a hand through his hair nervously. “I guess you’re right. I just haven’t dated anyone since Ava. I feel kind of lost.”

“Totally normal.” Emilie patted his shoulder and led him to the door. It was too late for pep talks. “Hold on during this rough time, and instead of looking for someone in town, try casual dating with people out of town. Try a new scene. Meet new people.”

Bridgett returned to the reception area and tucked her black hair behind her ear. “Hey, Emilie, who’s your friend?”

Finn’s eyes widened, and he stood taller, straightening his wrinkled shirt.

Emilie smirked and joined her in the middle of the room. “Finn, this is one of the girls from my dance company, Bridgett. She lives in Salem.”

“Salem, huh?” Finn walked back and rubbed the scruff on his face again. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Bridgett gave him a warm smile. “Nice to meet you, too.”

Emilie pushed Bridgett toward Finn, a wonderful idea popping in her head. “Actually, my friend would love a tour of Danvers, if you have the time?”

Emilie gave him a meaningful glance. She checked to see if Bridgett was okay with her interference, but Bridgett was quick on her feet.

“I would love to see it.” Bridgett linked her arm with his. “I’ll call you later, Emilie. The place looks fabulous.”

Emilie winked at Finn’s shell-shocked expression. It probably wouldn’t go anywhere, but Finn needed to see there were other fish in the sea.

Immediately, she thought of Dean and smiled. She checked her watch and grimaced. If she didn’t hurry up, nothing would be ready in time.

She went to her office to retrieve her things and then back to the front to lock up.

When Emilie pulled down her street, she saw Dean’s truck parked in front of her house. After only a few hours of not seeing him, she missed him. Her heart skipped just seeing his truck. She stepped on the gas and sped down the street.

When she pulled in the driveway, he was sitting on the steps, staring down at the cement. She turned off the car and closed her eyes. She could do this. She’d imagined this moment for weeks, and she was too invested to chicken out now.

She touched the side of her purse to make sure everything was there and then climbed out of the jeep.

He stood and held out his arms to her. “Need a hug?”

The weight in her shoulders released while he waited for her. She ran to him, taking in his familiar scent of mint and aftershave and the wonderful feel of his arms about her.

“Hey.” Her voice came out soft and shaky. Before she could come up with any excuses, she pulled him into the kitchen, not even taking the time to turn on the light. She shoved her hand into her purse and pulled out a box.

He squinted in the dark. “Do you have the—” He paused as she lifted the open box into the light. The gold ring glinted. A smile grew, stretching widely across his face. “Is this—?”

She nodded and lowered the box. Her fingers shook as she removed the ring and slid it onto his finger. “You’ve waited long enough for my answer.”

He licked his lips and studied his hand. “You’re proposing to me… in the kitchen?”

She laughed and shushed him. It would take all of her courage to say everything in her heart. “I haven’t regretted moving home, not one bit. Every minute has been a growing experience and an adventure. I know the transition wouldn’t have gone so smoothly if you weren’t by my side.” She swallowed the lump growing in her throat.

He lifted her chin. One of the tears she’d been keeping at bay spilled down her cheek. He wiped it away with his thumb. “Do you love me?”

She closed her eyes and more tears pushed their way out. She swiped at them and met his intense stare. “I do. I really do.”

His face lit up with a smile. She reached for him, no longer wanting any more space between them. Then, slowly, she lifted her head and he kissed her. Wrapping her arms around his back, she melted against him when he pulled her close.

If she could’ve sighed mid-kiss, she would’ve, but she was too busy enjoying the taste of his mouth and touch of his lips against hers. A fluttering of joy rippled through her. When she started growing dizzy, she leaned back to study him. Oh, how she loved him and the sweetness in his eyes, his caring smile as he studied her. He was it for her. No matter what came, she knew he’d always stay by her side.

“I love you, Dean.”

He went down on one knee. “Well, that’s good since I plan on spending forever with you.”

Emilie’s breath caught in her throat. She struggled to breathe when she stared down at the familiar diamond ring in his hand.

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