Page 35 of Something New

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The distraction loosened his tongue. “You’re not cold right now, but the breeze will be cool.” Her attention was on Finn and Ava as they talked with another couple. Her lips pressed into a pout.

Dean gritted his teeth. Her jealousy was expected, but her fixation on Finn still bothered him. “Ready to go?”

Her smile appeared forced as she pulled her attention back to him. “Yeah, let’s get in line.” She slipped her fingers into his free hand, sending tingles up his arm. So much for keeping a physical distance. If she initiated it, he wouldn’t say no.

Whenever they passed one of Finn’s relatives, she squeezed his hand tighter. It took everything he had not to overthink every touch. Her gentle hand squeezes were only a gesture of needing support, so he squeezed back halfheartedly.

They joined the back of the line while Finn and Ava started their welcome speech. Emilie stood in front of Dean, leaning against his chest. He pulled her in closer and whispered in her ear. “Everything okay?”

She shivered. “I’m fine, and that tickles.” Instead of moving away like he thought she’d do, she put all her weight against him, and he had to slip his arms around her to keep her steady, or that’s how he justified it. Either way was fine with him.

When the line started to board the cruise ship, he was in no hurry to move. She pulled away first but turned around to whisper in his ear. “Let’s make this look real.”

The hair on his arms shot straight up as every nerve in his body tingled. Holy smokes! He shoved his hands in his pockets to keep from grabbing her and running back to the truck. The cruise hadn’t even started, and he was keyed up.

Dean led them toward the bow to get away from the crowds heading to the dining room. There had to be a private place he could spill everything. Emilie had other ideas. She pulled him toward a crowd standing by the railing and moved in front of him again.

“Can you hold me again? That was nice.” No need to ask twice. His arms were around her in seconds, crowd or not. He rested his chin on her shoulder and once everyone was loaded, they watched while the boat pulled out and headed to deeper waters.

A few minutes after the boat moved at full speed, he looked at Emilie. Her eyes were shut tightly, her face a pale white.

“Ah, Emilie. I should’ve given you the nausea pill earlier.” He sat her down at a bench. “I’ll go get it. Be right back.”

He found a can of ginger ale and returned to where he’d left her. Except she wasn’t there. He searched frantically among the crowd, but she had disappeared.

“Of course, Emilie had to get sick on my special night. She’s just wanting attention. Leave her alone.” Ava’s shrill voice pierced the night like the screech of a seagull. He followed her voice to where a crowd backed away from someone leaning over the railing. Darn it! He hadn’t made it in time

He ran to her, moving nosier people out of the way. Emilie’s hair covered her face as she continued to lose the contents of her stomach. He looked down at the water and sighed. He held Emilie’s hair back until she finished.

An older gentleman brought him a few paper towels. “Thought you could use these, son.”

Dean gave him an appreciative look since no one else seemed to care, not even Ava. Some friend she was. “Thank you.” He took the paper towels and led Emilie to a bench to clean her up. He handed her the soda and a little white pill he’d stuffed in his pocket at the house. “First, here’s some nausea medicine. I meant to give it to you before we got on the boat.”

She took the pill in one gulp and leaned her head against his shoulder as he wiped any spittle away. The smell of sick hung thickly in the air around them, and he shooed away anyone who tried to get close. Her head wobbled against him, and he touched the sides of her waist, not wanting to hold her close.

When she was steady enough, he walked her to the bathroom to wash up and then the two of them returned to a bench to rest. He wasn’t sure what the rest of the wedding party was doing and didn’t care. Taking care of Emilie was the best part of his day, heck, even his week. He looked at the water, spotting dolphins swimming alongside the boat. Their happy squeals lightened the air.

She lifted her head and gave him a weak smile. “It’s been a while since I’ve been on the water and thought I would’ve outgrown my seasickness by now. I ruined tonight, huh?”

He rubbed a thumb down her cheek and shook his head. “Not at all. You’re just in time to see some whales.” He pointed as one lifted its tail and slapped it against the water.

She grinned and squealed, right when the rest of the boat noticed and crowded the railing in front of them.

He sighed and reached forward to motion to the people in front of them to move.

She pulled back his arm. “It’s okay. I’m too weak to stand. Besides, I have the best pillow.” Her voice was scratchy and hoarse. He handed her the soda again.

When the crowd moved to another spot, Emilie sat up. “I’m better. Will you stand with me at the rail to watch? It’s been a while since I’ve seen them up close.” When they reached the edge, the boat slowed down to a stop to stay with a group of whales swimming together. A whale jumped in the air right in front of them, sending a spray of water their way. Dean moved his shoulder in front of her just in time.

She giggled and patted his damp shoulder. “You saved me again.”

He put his arms around her once more, and they turned back to the whales. A sense of awe swept over him as he shared a moment with the woman of his heart. He covered her hands on the railing, lacing his fingers with hers, her back pressed against him. When she smiled back at him, his core melted.

The breezy wind slapped across their faces, and occasionally she hid her face in his shirt. Sweat dripped down his back but he didn’t budge. The salty tang on his lips and the touch of her arms against his was enough to ignore everything else.

“There’s a baby whale with its mom.” He leaned forward, seeing Emilie out of the corner of his eye. Her adorable face was red and chapped from the wind. “So cute.”

No longer able to hold back, he spun her around until she faced him. “You’re cuter than any baby whale.”

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