Page 90 of Secret Pucking Play

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"But in a good way!" She glances back at the ice. "Some of us aren't lucky enough to find the man we're supposed to be with yet. Some of us have such busy schedules that the only viable men we're around are cocky, swaggering, overly aggressive athletes."

"You mean like my brother?" I eye her over my cocoa, and she winces.

"Is he still mad about that segment I did on him?"

"Pretty much. But after his last fight on the ice, you did say that maybe his nickname should change from Gio 'The Icebreaker' De Luca to Gio 'The Fist'."

"I know, I know. But in my defense, he did start that fight. The man is built like a tank and apparently hits like one, too. One of these days, he's going to really hurt someone."

"None more than himself." I try to take another sip of my cocoa, but the cup is practically empty. I frown and set it down. "Speaking of 'pregnancy behavior', I should probably hit the bathroom before I get another cup. Want anything?"

"I'm good, thanks. Practice is going to wrap up soon, I think. And I could use the time to get my notes organized." Lexi holds up her notebook for me to see. "But when you get back, we'll talk more about this Christmas Eve plan. I want all the details."

I decide to make a quick detour to the "good" bathroom closest to the locker rooms, hoping it’ll be quieter. After finishing up, I step out and pause when I hear familiar voices echoing through the hall.

Curiosity piqued, I edge closer, careful to stay out of sight. It’s Gio and Jacob, standing just outside the locker room, their laughter carrying through the air.

“You really think you can pull it off?” Gio teases, a hint of disbelief in his tone.

Jacob chuckles, his voice confident. “Just wait and see. You’ll be eating your words.”

I can practically hear Gio rolling his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll believe it when I see it.”

"Christmas Eve is perfect. Everyone’s in a good mood, and it’ll be a complete surprise.”

"And my sister..." The mention of me makes me tense up, but I force myself to keep listening. "She has no idea?"

"None." Jacob pauses. "Why? You think she should?"

"I mean, she's still a new mom. Chiara is only six months old. She's still sleep-deprived. Plus, she's arranging that Christmas party of yours. Just make sure she’s not too caught up in the holiday chaos to notice, or you might end up with a lukewarm response."

Jacob's laugh is full of amusement. "Trust me, I've got it all under control. Just have faith in me."

"Fine, fine. But if this doesn't go well, I'm blaming you for ruining Christmas!"

“I’m not going to ruin Christmas. I’m going to make it better. And Gabi deserves better after everything she’s been through this year."

I can hear the sincerity in Jacob's voice, and my heart swells with gratitude for having such a caring man in my life.

Gio must sense that time is ticking because he suddenly quiets down before speaking again. "All right, enough of this. My uniform is sticking to my balls. Let's head back in."

I quickly duck back into the bathroom as they make their way down the hall. The two of them walk back into the locker room, their laughter fading away as they disappear.

After they've left, my mind is reeling with thoughts of what they could possibly be planning for Christmas Eve. Knowing Jacob, it could range from an elaborate candlelit dinner under the stars to a full-blown scavenger hunt through the city.

Or maybe he’s even plotting a flash mob with all our friends singing “Jingle Bells” out in front of the house.

God help me if he decides to break out the Christmas onesie collection.

Whatever it is, it's bound to be memorable.

He has a knack for turning ordinary moments into something extraordinary—just as long as it doesn’t involve reindeer games or karaoke.

My heart flutters at the thought, wishing for nothing more than a magical Christmas with the people I love.

Shaking my head, I return to the Blades staff-only room and refill my cup with hot cocoa before settling back in next to Lexi. She glances up at me, her pen hovering over her notebook.

"What?" she prompts eagerly. "You look like the cat who ate the canary."

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